Ink District - Tattooshop in the center of Amsterdam (2025)

How old doIneed tobetoget atattoo?

The minimum age atour studio is18 yearsold. Noexceptions. Soplease bring avalid ID! With this strict regulation wealso tend toprotect minors ofgetting atattoo they will eventually regret.

Does ithurt?

Yes! But everyone experiences itinadifferentway. Some places hurt more then other places and some even say they are addicted tothe pain!

How doIbook anappointment?

Fill inthe contact form orsend usamail ( with adetailed description ofyour preferred design, style, placement onbody and size. You can also add some inspiration pictures (max5). Wewill then get back toyou assoon aspossible.

Please note wedon’t copy existing tattoos ordesigns. The tattooist will make anew design based onthe sent inspiration. For text tattoos take alook and select your font, this will save alot oftime. For tattoos inforeign languages, please carefully check spelling and meaning asweare notranslators!

You are also welcome tocome into the shop and talk towhoever isavailable atthat moment. Wewill gladly inform you where needed!

How should Icome tothe studio?

Please make sure you are welrested and have had ameal before your appointment. Werecommend coming byyourself, our waiting room isprimarily reserved for waiting customers and not for extra’s.

Please respect our studio and our artists, wealways will treat everyone with the utmost respect and expect the same back. Wewill take our time tomake your tattoo perfect, please trust the expertise ofthe artist and always listen toour advise. Please, also don’t make plans right after your session. We, like you, want the best quality, sodon’t set any timelimits for your artist asthis isnot acomfortable work setting. Also know, that atall times wehave someone shooting pictures and videos ofthe artists inthe studio.

DoIneed topay adeposit for anappointment?

Yes. For every appointment weask for adeposit of50 EUR for the smaller tomedium projects or100 EUR for the larger projects, which can bepaid atthe shop ortransferred through our bank. Deposits are applied tothe final price ofyour tattoo and should bemade within 48 hours ofmaking the appointment!

Till aweek uptoyour appointment cancellations and changes are still possible without costs. Within aweek of your appointment deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable!

Deposits done for guest artists are non-refundable!

How can Imake anappointment with aguest artist?

Onour social media weadvertise when and which guest artists will arrive. Wealways mention contact details soguest artists can becontacted directly regarding project and price.

Are touch-ups included?

Wehave several fine line specialists inour team. Ifyou get afine line design done itispossible that some lines become lighter than others after afew weeks. This isnoproblem, just send usamessage within 6 months and wecan arrange anappointment for atouch-up. This isincluded inthe price!

This isstrictly ifyou got atattoo done byone ofour current regular artists. Wewill not touch-up any work of our former orguest artists!

What are your prices?

This depends onthe artist but our minimum shop price is100EUR. Final price depends onsize, detail ofthe design, location onthe body and finally which artist.

Ifwehave all information wecan always give you aprice estimate!

What forms ofpayment doyou accept?

Weaccept cash, pin, credit cards and even bitcoins. Our guest artists only accept cash!

Can Ibring someone with metothe appointment?

Ofcourse you can come with someone but weonly have very limited sitting space atthe front ofthe shop. The back ofthe shop isprohibited for any family orfriends you bring along. Only clients who are getting tattooed are allowed inthe tattoo area!

Wealso really really love kids! But due tohygiene and concentration reasons wedonot think atattooshop isthe right place for them tohang out!

Any tips before getting atattoo?

Werecommend that you have agood night’s rest, have agood meal and stay hydrated before your appointment. Wecan only work with you ifyou are 100% sober, being under the influence ofalcohol orany drugs will get you removed from the shop. Also please donot take any painkillers asthis will dilute your blood and possibly affect your tattoo and the healing process.

Ifyou have alarger project orget atattoo onasensitive spot make sure you are wearing comfortable clothing and wewould not advise wearing any white asblack ink can cause anugly stain!

Also keep inmind that taking care ofyour tattoo isavery responsiblejob. Wedonot advise swimming, exposing your tattoo tosun orexercising the weeks after!

How doItake care ofmytattoo?

Aftercare instructions

Anew tattoo issimilar toanabrasion/wound. Ittakes approximately 4 to6 weeks for the wound and the skin around ittobehealed.

Ifthe tattoo iscovered with asterile compression orhousehold foil, you can remove this after 3 to5 hours. If your tattoo iscovered with asecond skin plaster this can betaken off after 24 hours, preferably under the shower.

Treat the uncovered tattoo asfollows:

  • Wash the tattoo twice aday with amild fragrance free soap
  • After washing, pat itdry with single use paper towels oraclean towel
  • Apply with athin layer ofacream you have received from the tattooist orwhich heorshe has recommended. For larger tattoos weadvise application longer then the smaller tattoos

During the healing process:

  • Touch the tattoo aslittle aspossible (wash your hands first before you take care ofthe wound)
  • Donot scratch the tattoo
  • Donot cover the tattoo with tight ordirty clothes
  • Donot cover the tattoo with bandages orfoil
  • Avoid baths, swimming pools, sea water, saunas and steam baths for entire healing process
  • Donot expose the tattoo tosunlight orsolarium during healing process

After healing, the tattooed skin remains very sensitive tosunlight. Always use sunscreen (highest factor).


Contact your doctor ifextreme redness, swelling, bleeding, wound fluid, color change orchronic pain occurs.

Can Iget abit ofink tattooed tocheck ifI’m allergic?

No, wedon’t test ink onpeople. Please check this with your GPordermatologist. This isthe safestway. Ifyou have other allergies orsensitive skin carefully research ifgetting atattoo will not trigger areaction for you. Always let usknow ifyou have any allergies oraskin condition!

Ifyou have pain oryour skin reacts tothe ink wealways advise contacting your doctor!

Join the Ink District Amsterdam team! Always looking for new team members tojoin our team. Check out our job openings below!

Social media manager
Full time / Part time / Flexible

Weare looking for asocial media who enjoys creating contenttojoin our very creative team and help usdevelop and execute our plans and strategies. Are you the wizard that knows all the ins and outs and trends onvarious social media platforms? Are you an amazing content creator? Send usamessage. Wewant you!

The ideal candidate will have prior experience and anice combination ofskills, and apassion for creating creative content, communications, advertising, branding, digital marketing, and social media. The social media manager/content creator must beanorganized multitasker able to handle many diverse projects atonce and meet tight deadlines.

What weoffer:

  • Aspot inanamazing international team
  • Fulltime/parttime job, flexible hours can bediscussed. Self-employed people can also apply!
  • Very ambitious environment with alot ofresponsibilities
  • Aplace where you can learn, experiment, discover and develop
  • Competitive salary, depending onexperience & skills
  • Amazing events
  • Company trips/parties
  • Great perks, free tattoos are one ofthem

Looking for:

  • Amazing creative content creator
  • Social media wizard
  • Great positive energy
  • Fluent English (online communication language)

Job description:

  • Incharge ofcontent creation
  • Full control ofall social media channels
  • Planner and organizer ofcontent, overlook the content created and make sure itgets posted onsocial media
  • Write copies for social media content
  • Make recommendations ondevelopment/growth strategy for social channels
  • Staying ontop ofthe latest social media trends
  • Communicate with followers
  • Prepare social media reports bycollecting, analyzing, and summarizing data


Studio manager
Full time / Part time

Ink District Amsterdam islooking for a studio manager who isatrue Jack/Jill of all trades and wants tohop onthis speeding train.

About us:

Weare anAmsterdam based tattoo studio inthe heart ofAmsterdam within walking distance of Central Station. Working with both artists and clients from all over the world, and continuously growing, weare onamission toleave our mark inthe tattoo world. Weaim tobeanexclusive studio where quality has the highest priority inevery area. Are you the all-rounder who will strengthen/lead our team?

What weoffer:

  • Aspot inanamazing international team
  • Fulltime/parttime job, flexible hours can bediscussed
  • Time togrow and develop
  • Competitive Salary, depending onexperience & skills
  • Amazing events
  • Company trips/parties
  • Great perks, free tattoos are one ofthem

Looking for:

  • Someone with all around skills who isupfor achallenge
  • Great positive energy
  • Problem solving skills
  • Master incommunication
  • Fluent English (primary language spoken with international team)

Job description:

  • Maintain customer and artist communication
  • Supervise scheduling
  • Coordinating all necessary work arrangements
  • Assist inorganizing events
  • Helping usgrow tothe next level!


Wewelcome applicants from all different backgrounds who think they could beamatch toapply!

Ink District - Tattooshop in the center of Amsterdam (2025)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.