RV Decorating Ideas to Make Your RV a Better Place to Live (2024)

When it comes to living in RV, everyone wants a well-decorated and fully furnished place to live. Living in an RV is itself a very exciting experience, and when it comes to decorating, it pops up wonderful and colorful ideas in anyone's mind. The color schemes, style of furniture, and themes you choose show what type of a person you are.

Decorating an RV is different from decorating a house because all the things need to be fitted in a small place. So, the most important thing is that you need to visualize how exactly it would look and what thing should be fitted where. There are a series of steps you can follow to create a masterpiece.


  1. RV Decorating Ideas to Make Your RV a Better Place to Live
    1. Painting the walls
    2. Roof and ceiling designs
    3. Furniture setting
    4. Kitchen shelves and folders and cupboard settings
  2. Related posts

RV Decorating Ideas to Make Your RV a Better Place to Live

RV Decorating Ideas to Make Your RV a Better Place to Live (1)

Painting the walls

Paint is the first step to bring about a change in the overall look of your RV. If you have a family with kids, you can try having multi-colored walls, and your kids will love it. If you live with a group of friends or adult family members only, you can try some simple colors. It would give an overall mature look.

RV Decorating Ideas to Make Your RV a Better Place to Live (2)
RV Decorating Ideas to Make Your RV a Better Place to Live (3)

But try to be friendly with colors, do not make it look like an office or a workplace. Suppose you think that a single color will be boring. Try making a pattern of different colored patches in a crisscross pattern or block pattern. You can try two shades like white and royal blue, red and black, or white and chocolate brown.

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Roof and ceiling designs

There is a very interesting fact that the way you design your roof and ceiling can make your camp look a lot bigger and spacious. Roof, if designed appropriately it can accommodate a lot of things that you need. Keep a simple but unique ceiling style. You can try using plaster of Paris elongated rectangular blocks and use them for creating a boundary throughout the boundary of the ceiling.

You can also use ceiling hangings and small chandeliers for lighting up your living room. While using ceiling decorations, you should keep in mind the positioning of the lights, fan, vents, and air conditioners. In RV, mostly bracket fans are used. They can be placed above the couch in the living room or opposite to stove in the kitchen if you feel it gets hot there.

RV Decorating Ideas to Make Your RV a Better Place to Live (4)

You can use the lights that can be fitted in the ceiling plaster of Paris blocks. You can also use fairy lights. It gives a more exciting touch to the overall look of your room. Or you can get the lights to be installed on the ceiling. It gives a more mature look to your room.

Furniture setting

The choice of furniture is very tricky for an RV as space is very less, and all the things need to be fitted exactly in their place. But it must be kept in mind that you can not pack the whole space with furniture. It is completely your talent how you assemble things in such a way that it looks tidy as well as spacious at the same time.

RV Decorating Ideas to Make Your RV a Better Place to Live (5)

The color of the furniture is equally important. If you have white-colored wooden furniture, it looks tidy and spacious. Similarly, if you have light brown furniture it also blends in completely with the color theme you choose. If you have dark brown or black-colored wooden furniture, it is a more prominent color, and the RV might not look too spacious. But again, it depends upon the overall color scheme of your RV.

Kitchen shelves and folders and cupboard settings

The kitchen is the most important part of the RV, and no compromise should be made. The RV may lack other accessories, but kitchen accessories must be complete. You may consider a stove, a counter, a sink and few relaxing sofas or small chairs around the counter. A proper vent must be installed just above the stove to throw all the excess out.

RV Decorating Ideas to Make Your RV a Better Place to Live (6)

Consider having open shelves for placing your dishes, microwaves and other cooking ware. Drawers can also be installed beneath the counter table or on a wall side, but it would take a lot of space. Instead, think of installing folders to hold all the spoons, mugs, or even some plates. It would save space and looks roomy.

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RV Decorating Ideas to Make Your RV a Better Place to Live (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.