Swgoh Boba Fett Counter (2025)

1. Boba Fett Counters for Grand Arena - SWGOH.GG

  • View the statistical breakdown of the top GAC Boba Fett Counters on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!!

2. Boba Fett, Scion of Jango Counters for Grand Arena - SWGOH.GG

  • View the statistical breakdown of the top GAC Boba Fett, Scion of Jango Counters on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!!

3. SWGOH Counters

  • SWGOH Counters – 3 vs 3. Last update: July 30th 2024. The 5 vs 5 version is ... Boba Fett, Scion of Jango. Bossk.

4. 5v5 Counters

5. SWGOH Counters

  • SWGOH Counters · General Grievous · Qui-Gon Jinn · Chief Chirpa

6. Disappointment: Boba Fett SOJ - Page 2

  • 20 apr 2022 · https://swgoh.gg/g/bmNztIGKQnCvyXNBwZ12NA ... Fennec already does this herself so it isn't super impressive that Boba makes a LV counter still ...

  • Discuss Star Wars Galaxy: of Heroes! Share guides, learn about events, find guild members, and get technical help.

7. Territory War and Grand Arena Counter List - SWGoH Wiki

  • 4 feb 2020 · Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Bossk, Cad Bane, Dengar, any Bounty Hunters, Nest, L3-37. Droids w. Java, HK-47, IG-86, IG-88, Jawa Engineer, Chief Nebit ...

  • Below is a list of counters for Territory Wars and Grand Arena. This list is put together by a group in the TW/GA counters Discord.

8. AhnaldT101 channel - SWGOH.TV

  • INSTANT KILL GALACTIC LEGENDS WITH BOBA FETT (seriously) - Ultimate F2P Counter ... AhnaldT101. 106296 views about 1 year ago. 04:03:23. I'M IN ...

  • AhnaldT101 channel on Youtube.

Swgoh Boba Fett Counter (2025)


Who beat Boba Fett? ›

Satisfied, Boba and his allies joined Ventress on her mission to rescue Vos. However, Dooku defeated Fett and his fellow bounty hunters with relative ease and Ventress's attempt to save Vos resulted in failure as well. Defeated, but alive, Boba and his crew retreated from Serenno.

Does Boba Fett work for the empire? ›

Notable for his taciturn demeanor and for never removing his helmet, Fett appears in both The Empire Strikes Back (1980), employed by the Galactic Empire, and Return of the Jedi (1983), serving the crime lord Jabba the Hutt.

Is Boba Fett strong? ›

With his customized Mandalorian armor, deadly weaponry, Boba Fett was once regarded as one of the most fearsome and capable bounty hunters in the galaxy. An unaltered genetic clone of his father, bounty hunter Jango Fett, Boba learned combat and martial skills from a young age.

Can star lord beat Boba Fett? ›

5 STRENGTH: Boba Fett

Unfortunately for Star-Lord, his alien physiology does not grant him an advantage in physical strength over Boba. Peter Quill may sometimes hold his own against stronger opponents temporarily, only as a means of stalling while he improvises another plan.

Can Cad Bane beat Boba Fett? ›

Based on his appearances in the films and canon non-movie material, Boba Fett doesn't quite surpass Cad Bane's proven skills, and The Book of Boba Fett shows that Fett would have been killed by Bane if not for his blaster-proof beskar armor.

Who is Boba Fett's wife? ›

When he was only sixteen, Boba met fellow bounty hunter Sintas Vel; the two fell in love, and were married, settling down together on Concord Dawn. The Fett clan grew with the birth of a daughter, whom they named Ailyn.

Who kills Boba Fett? ›

Boba Fett was definitely dead. We all saw it: a partially blinded Han Solo unknowingly whacked him with a stick in Return of the Jedi, his jetpack malfunctioned, and then he fell into the mouth of a massive sand monster.

Does Boba know Vader is Anakin? ›

At some point, Fett began to suspect Vader's true identity as Jedi General Anakin Skywalker of the Galactic Republic, whom he had met back during the days of the Clone Wars, though was unable to confirm it, and was wise enough not to mention anything to the Sith Lord.

What is Boba Fett IQ? ›

Boba/Jango Fett - 135–145. Average council member - 140. Han - 125–135. Average force user - 110.

Why was Boba Fett so weak? ›

In-universe, Fett's long-term injures from his time in the sarlacc may partially explain his newfound attitude in both The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett. Fett's embarrassing defeat may have rendered him humbler and his newfound weakness likely contributed to his far less solitary behavior.

Can Boba Fett defeat a Jedi? ›

Boba Fett is shown to have accumulated a sizable collection of lightsabers from Jedi he defeated and he is explicitly shown to have defeated and captured Jedi Knight Rachi Sitra in the Galactic Hunters expansion of the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game.

Who killed Boba Fett in Star Wars? ›

Boba Fett was definitely dead. We all saw it: a partially blinded Han Solo unknowingly whacked him with a stick in Return of the Jedi, his jetpack malfunctioned, and then he fell into the mouth of a massive sand monster.

Who defeated Jango Fett? ›

Mace Windu Defeats Jango Fett | Attack of the Clones (Episode II) | StarWars.com.

How did Luke beat Boba Fett? ›

Storyboards depict Fett rocketing in the fray and grazing Chewbacca with a blaster bolt (and killing one of Jabba's guards in the process) before Luke Skywalker slices off Fett's hand and strikes his jetpack with his lightsaber, sending Fett rocketing into the sarlacc pit.

How was Jango Fett killed? ›

Unable to fly away, he is then decapitated by Jedi Master Mace Windu. Jango's legacy is taken up in the form of the Republic's clone army based on his genetic material, as well as his son Boba, who inherits the armor once worn by Jango and goes on to become the most notorious bounty hunter in the galaxy.

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