The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)

32 THE IXDIAXAPOLIS SUNDAY STAR, MARCH 27, 1938. Announcements. Tea Announcements. Announcements. Announcements.

Announcements. Announcements. fmmt. Services ot all kinds for your boms and person. Guiding- you to better places to shop and dine.

Things you want to buy. Let this bs your sulci. Entertainment Dally, Except Sunday and Monday, From 7 P. M. to 1 A.

M. ART BERRY and Ills Rand Featuring CORTEZ and DIANNE International Dance Stylists Plus MARVEL MAXWELL 8ong Stylist De Luxe Formerly of Columbia Club 2 Floor Shows Nightly No Cover Charge PUT VARIETY IN YOUR LENTEN MEALfl. They can be dellclously and health-hilly different by adding a touch of variety to the dally meal. Serve ICE CREAM "NONE BETTER." Plain cream, Individual molds and fancy center bricks. 315 N.

ALABAMA. LI. 2526. TRUSSES If any truss on earth will help heal rupture. "THE LIFE RAVER TRUSS" will do It.

II. E. FRAUER CO. Exclusive agents for the Life Saver Truss. Mall orders attended to promptly.

456 K. Washington St. MO-TEE-NA Tablets Guaranteed for Men Past 50 "Confidence and Cour- 1 age." Nothing like this new formula. Only 70c all Hook stores. EFROYMSON'S 918-926 So.

Meridian St. "Talk of the Town" Our Full-Fashioned Pure SILK HOSE 39 Pair Newest Colors All Sizes We sell thousands of pairs of these hose all over Indianapolis and rounding; territory. Kxcluslvs with us, second anil third grading; of luxurious $1.00 and quality. pair hand Inspected by our experts. They are exceptionally fine and clear.

CHIFFON and service weights. Full Knee Length SUNBURST SIDE PLEATING Covered buttons and buckles. Buttonholes hemstitching. The Button Pleating Shoppe 36 8. Penn.

Rm. 213. LI. 1613. Local Dodge Dealer Makes Startling Offer to Motorists Here's the buying chance you've been looking for.

See Classification 75. ANDERSON SALES, INC. DuPont Pyralux Duco-Dulux FULL LINE OF SEAT COVERS AND TRIMMERS' SUPPLIED Place Your Refinishing Problems With Us DUCO COMPANY 0.17 N. MERIDIAN ST. RI.

8166. and STORAGE Inc. CARRIERS Rllejr 9381 Death Notices. BELCHER Rooert beloved son of Mrs. Bessie Belcner, brother or ciauae and John Belcher, Ervln and Hazel Phillips, passed away Friday, March 25.

Funeral Monday, 3 p. at residence, 476 8. Arlington ave. Burial Memorial Parle. Friends may call at the home after 3 p.

Sunday. SHIRLEY SERVICE. RROOKS William age 83 years, be loved husband of Ella Brooks, father of Rollt.1 and Mrs. Ida Mae Holt or iseecn Grove. Mrs.

Vick Gadberry. Mrs. Maggie Mitchell and Michael Brooks of Kentucky and Mrs. lulu Helton of Seymour, passed awny. Services Mon day, 2 p.

at UTILE sows ru-KERAL HOME, 1001 Main Beech Grove. Burial New Crown cemetery. Friends Invited. CANARY William entered into rest Thursday, age 67, husband of Julia Canary, father of Margaret Gerrard. Leonard Canary, brother of Izura Niemeyer.

Funeril Monday, 10 a. HARRY W. MOORE FUNERAL PARLOR. Burial Mt. Pleasant cemetery.

IFranklln (Ind.J papers please copy. CRAIO George husband of Sophia, father of Paul, Roy and Lester, passed I uriv Kridav. March 25. at Erllnburg, Tex. Funeral Tuesday, March 29, 2:30 p.

at ROYSTER ASK1N MORTUARY, 1902 N. Meridian st. Burial Floral Park. Friends invited. Friends may call any time alter 3 p.

m. Monday. CRIPPS Alfred Gleason, beloved fatner of Mrs. Charles A. Breece of Indianapolis and Mrs.

Kaye Gerdes of Peoria, away Saturday afternoon. Services FLANNER A BUCHANAN MORTUARY Monday 1:30 p. m. Friends invited. Burial Crown Hill.

Friends may call at the mortuary. PARR AH Walter beloved husband of Mattie and father of Gertrude Uarrah, brother of Dr. J. H. Darrah and Mrs.

J. Pickens, passed away at his residence, 88 N. Dearborn Thursday evening. Funeral Monrlav, 10 a. at SHIRLEY BROS.

CENTRAL CHAPEL, Illinois at 10th. Friends may call after 10 a. m. Saturday at chapel. Burial Memorial Park.

FELSKE Paul age 13 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Fclske (nee Klrsch), brother of Bernardlne ami Joan Felske, grandson of Paul C. Felske.

Funeral at late home, 807 E. Minnesota, Monday, 8:30 a. Sacred Heart Church, a. m. Burial St.

Joseph's cemetery. LAUCK SERVICE. GIBSON May Lovlf.e, beloved wife of John Gibson of 6Hth st. and Allison daughter of George and Melhn Jackson, sister of Mrs. Penrl Rlggs, Mrs.

Ruby Jones Mrs. Lennle Owens of Anderson and Frances Lucile Jackson, passed away Saturday at the Co.eman Hospital. Funeral Monday, 2 p. at 'ho GEORGE Mccarty funeral home, Kortvine, 2nd. Burial Gravel Lawn cemetery.

Friends Invited, Ct'NCKKL Sarah mother of Arthur and Guy Gunckel, elstcr of William is-kill of Lafayette, and Clara McDonald, passed away Saturday p. m. at the son's resldencs, 1009 Bt. Paul St. Funeral notice later.

For Information call TOLIN FUNERAL HOME. DR. 6i)B9. HAWKINS Louise mother of Maude Graham, San Francisco; John F. Hawkins, Columbus, and James Hawkins, Los Angeles, died in Los Angeles Saturday, March 26.

Burial Crown Hill cemetery, Indianapolis. Funeral notice later. Services to bo conducted by O. E. B.

HEMPSTEAD Harry Newton, beloved husband of Eleanor Brush Hempstead and father of Gordon Brush and John Brush Hempstead, passed away March 26 at his residence, Mayfair House, Park New York city. Services at the FLANKER BUCHANAN MORTUARY 1 p. m. Burial Crown Hill. HlI.LGeorge father Ballweg and grandfather of liu-anne and Raymond Ballweg brother of Alexander B.

Hill, Bradford. Frank M. Hill, Oneonta, N. and Arthur Hill, Cherry Valley, N. passed away Hat.

evening; at the home of his daughter, 6497 Broadway. Services at the FLANNER ft BUCHANAN MORTUARY, Tuesday, 1:30 p. m. Friends invited. Burial Crown Hill.

Friends may call at the mortuary. THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT of THE STAR la open each week day from 7:30 a. m. until 10 p. m.

On Sunday It Is open from 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 m. and from 6:00 m. until 10.00 p.

m. During the above hours want ads may be telephoned for Insertion the following morning. USE YOUR CREDIT AT THE STAR! ESTABLISHED 1887 CENTRAL TRANSFER CONTRACT 201) WEST 80tTH sr. ACADEMY OF BEAUTY CULTURE RAINBOW The School of Successful Beauty Operators. Write for Catalogue or Representative Will Call.

41 R. Washington St. Indianapolis. Announcements. Funeral Directors.


0552. Kregelo A Palley. Homelike Chapel, 2233 N. Meridian. Flanner Buchanan MORTUARY.

25 W. Fall Creek Blvd. TA. 4400 Travel Opportunities. Travel in Comfort, Economy CHOICE private sedans, leaving soon, for N.

Calif. BAVE! Cars, pas register; rets, required. Autos to rent Hs English Hotel, with 1' Pa RI. 5634. low rates.

(Sv. TA. 4177. DAY'S RELIABLE TRAVEL SERVICE. Established 9 Yrs.

A Legal Agency. SPECIAL: N. Y. soon, ret. few days: '38 sedan, take 2-3.

Others, all directions. WANTED Reliable parties to drive cars to California; married couples or families preferred. 2328 E. Washnigton. 10 Special Announcements.

Out-off-Towm who wish to answer Star Want Ads in which only phono numbers ar given can do so by writing a letter to the "Telephone Department" of The Indianapolis Star. Business Services. li Business Services. "eB Serv usiness ices CONSULT THESE MANY SERVICES FOR YOUR NEEDS 9x12 DOMESTIC RUQ cleaned for (3. Exclusive Oreggorlzing process, GREGG.

DR. 6050. BEDDING RENOVATED. PILLOWS, mattresses, comforts, renovated, made to order. Feather beds made Into' mattresses.


2347. CARPENTER. GENERAL HOME REPAIRS, cleaning, painting; 20 years' exp. LI. 3080.

CARPENTER, rooHng, screens, new or repair, Job works est. free. Nye, CH. PIT AO Carpentering; cement work; Ksll. M-oj roofing, painting.


Day or night. CINDERS, crushed stone, sand, gravel, general hauling. Reas. IR. 069L CINDERS and Crushed Stone.

FRANZEN BILLETER. RI, 0867. WHY NOT CALL "Sparks" for cinders, crushed stone. RI. 2282.


D. L. JACKSON. CH. 3567.

SPECIALTIES: UPHOLSTERING; rug, furniture cleaning, repairing; 30 yrs. W. N. Fly Rug 2328 Brookslde. CH.


LL 8449. RUGS cleaned, sized, 3-po. 7. Work guar. Julian Rug Cleaners.

Ll. 9384. SPEC. (2) 9x12 rugs, cleaned and slied, S5. Active Rug Cleaners.

HA. 3636. CONTRACTING. WE WILL build, remodel, paint or roof that home for you. Central Bide.

Co. IR. 7014. Paper hanging, steaming 4-0- and painting. Balllnger.

FLOOR REFINTSinNQ. REFINISH your floors with Lustrene Super Finish, the modern method for finishing snd preserving wood floors. Beautiful long-woarlng surface. Easy maintenance. Five Points Floor DR.

1630. School of BURROUGHS SCHOOLS OF MUSIC. 10 W. LI. 9474.

5857 E. Wash. IR. 7900. Sheet Metal Work and Roofing.

HARRY MILEY A SON, 1407 8. Belmont. BE. 4058. Also furnace reprs.

Est. free. Social Service Agencies. FLANNER HOUSE. Cleo W.

Blackburn, Supt. 802-816 N. West. RI. 7504.

Sporting Goods. SPORTSMAN'S STORE, THE. 126 N. Pennsylvania St. LI.

4224. EM-ROE SPORTING GOODS CO. 209 W. Wash. LI.

3446. Stamp Store. BOOK-A-ZINE 334 E. Wash. St.

RI. 0484. Steel and Copper Plate Engraving. ZIMMER ENGRAVING CO. 615 Century bldg.

RI. 6826. Steel Heat Treating. THOMAS SKINNER Steel Products 1120 E. 23d.

HE. 1378, also metal stmpg. Tailors. WANNER TAILORS, Otto Ray, 220 Mass. Alterations and repairs.

RI. 4812. Taverns. LEROY DONNELLY'S CAFE 145 N. Delaware.

LI. 0139. Taxi. UNITED TAXI INC. 13 W.

Henry. RI. 4422. Termite Control. TERMINIX CO.

OF INDIANA, INC. 518 Architects A Builders Bldg. RI. 4914. Tires.

VIRGINIA RUBBER CO. Vulcanizing, good used tires. I7S Vs. DR. 3542.

Transportation Motor Freight. ST. LOUI8. EA8TERN TRUCK LINTS 603 Kentucky ave. RL 6888.

Travel Service. TRAVEL TOURS, INC. Circle Tower. 7 E. Market.


Sandwich, candles snd soft drinks. 7608 E. Washington. IR. 2168-7.

Transfer and Storage. HOGAN'S FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. 863 Mass. RI. 3396.

Moving, storing, packing, shipping and fumigating. Transportation, Freight TRANS AM ERIC AN FREIGHT LINES. INC. F. W.

Auckly, Mgr. 1458 E. 19th. CH. 1651.

Used Cars. BEST values In used cars at Thorn burg A Vollrath, Inc. 328 N. Del. LL 8112.

USED CAR EXCHANGE. Patrick Shea. 1007 N. Meridian. CH.

6542. Used Pipe Bought and Sold. GOLDSMITH PIPE A SUPPLY 633 8. III. Plumbing, beating supplies.

Ll. 1612. Watch Repairing. FINE WATCH REPAIRING: 1 7T. guer: (1 and up.

MILTON'S, 21 S. 111. LL 7288. Water Heaters. SMOCK WATER HEATERS, rprs.

of Doners, furnaces, tanks. Ed. Scheler. LL 7140. Weather Stripping.


Welding. II. H. DAVIS WELDING SERV. Pnrtsble gas, are welding.

620 Plerson. LI. 8686 Window Shades. KEITU SHADE CO. 1J50 V.

IU. XL 49. Personals. ARE YOU SICK? FLU, COLDS, SINUS TROUBLE, ETC. I don't care what your trouble 1s.

If you are sicK you owe It to yourself to see me. If I can help you I'll prove It. If not. I II tell you so. If you have headaches, dizziness, ringing In head and ears, nisery in back of bead, nervousness, neuritis, arthritis, lumbago, sciatica, aches and soreness anywhere tn spine, bloating, indigestion, heart, aver, kidney or stomach trouble, general weakness.

abnormal blood pressure, rheumatism, gallstones, chronic appendicitis. If you feel miserable and grouchy because of your suffering, then bring this ad at once to my office for examination and trial treat-men free. No cost. No obligation to continue. Dr.

Bebout, Chiropractor 307 Kahn bldg. STOMACH TROUBLE If vou cannot eat and enjoy the same foods as other members of your family THERE 18 A REASON. Special physical therapy treatments will correct this condition. THERE 18 NO CHARGE FOR CONSULTATION. WM.

ELLFRY, D. C. 903 Odd Fellow aldg. Phone RI. 7941.

RHEUMATISM RELIEVE ANNOYING PAINS QUICKLY. Writs for Free Literature About Keene's WINTREX Tablets THE KEENE DRUG INDPLS. DRINK HABIT HALCO stops craving liquor In 3 days. Confidential. Administered AT 1635 N.

Taloott, Indianapolis. TA. 1258. 1PB MOTH HOLES TEARS. BURNS.

Rewoven INDIANA WEAVING CO. Merchants Bank bldg. LI. 9674. MEN OLD AT 401 GET PEP.

New Ostrex Tonlo Tablets contain raw ovster Invlgorators and other stimulants. One dose starts new pep. Value SI. Special price, 7tfc. Call, write Hook's Dependable Drugstores.

FUR Collars 1 50 Trimmings Up INDIANA FUR 29 E. OHIO FAIRMOUNT MATERNITY. Private Hospital. Seclusion. High-grade maternity service for unfortunate women.

Low rates. Working reduces expenses. Desk 1414 E. 27th, Kansas City, Mo. SMART DRESS, 5 TO 25.

MATERNITY No Wraparounds STEW A RT'S, 609 Roosevelt bldg. SUPPLY your personal private needs by mail, complete urug iui" pharmacists. Write for confidential price lists. U. 8.

Drug 1534 Lawrence Denver, uoi. WANTED Original poems, songs, for immediate consideration, send poems to Columbian Muslo Publishers, Dept. A To, loronto. THE "ELECTRIC-BREATH" will amaze you! For health, success. Simple, logical, practical.

Send card for free de-talls. Progress Pub. Tyrone, Pa, "VIOLINS" a I ly Interesting. Monthly publication by violin experts. Send 150 for sample copy.

E. N. Dorlng, p. o. Box 73, -vanston, in trmi ct raw for aches, oaln.

Electrio cabinet baths. It years establish trade. 415 E. walnut, ru. am.

MISSES Elsa, Trudle: treat aches, pains quick relief. 3548 W. 16th. BE. 3409.

ELECTRIC cabinet baths. Mse Davis, 610 N. Meridian, Apt. 2. RI.

5037. LOSE up to 7 pounds weekly. Write Dr, Wendt, Canton, 8. D. 9 Travel Opportunities.

Meals Given With Ticket ALL AMERICAN BUS LINES. New York 112.25 Dallas 113.00 Pittsburgh $5.95 Phoenix 25.75 St. Louis J3.75 Los Angeles 131.80 Connections Everywhere Write or Call. Depot, 149 8. Illinois.

RL 4112. Depot, 226 N. Illinois. RL 3750. PRIV.

seds. (share cost); trips anywhere. Cooper's Tours snd Travel Service. 1022 Lemcke bldg. (Mkt.

at Pa.) LI. 6481. 10 Special Announcements. Real Estate. MATHEWS REALTY 64 W.

30th. Rental State Auto License Branch. Ta. 1571. DEPAUW HOLDING 1538 N.

Mer. LI. 3818. First mortgage loans. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance.

THOMAS C. DAY A real estate loans snd Ins. 8 E. Market. LI.

6809. Real Estate and Insurance. DAVIS REAL ESTATE 702 Inland Bldg. Investment Real Estate. LI.

6545. McTARSNEY A BROWN, 2608 W. Michigan. BE. 3609.

Insurance, Rentals, Sales. JENNINGS 28 S. 111. Farm and City Real Estate. LL 3814.

BRENNAN, W. INC. 42S Illinois Bldg. RI. 2313.

CLARK, FRANK S. A 212 LI. 6035. RI. Loans, Rentals.

HARVAL INVESTMENT INC. 132 N. Delaware. LL 6546. McCLURE REALTY 615 Peoples Bank bldg.

LI. 1663. RI. Rentals and Ins. CLARK, OLIVER 106 N.

Delaware, LI. 6596. General Rental Service. Real Estate Lots. NORTH BUTLER TERRACE.

New homes Restrictions Low prices. For further Information call Rt. 1461. F. C.

CASH. HU. 2597. Real Estate Rentals. MARION CO.


LI. 6354. Riding Equipment. FOR men and women. Most comp.

line In state. Jacobs Outdoor Shop, 9 E. Ohio. Riggers. VOSSLER A DENNIS TRUCKING INC.

Riggers and heavy hauling contr. Roofing and Pipe Insulation. ACME ROOFING A SUPPLY CO. 1.119 Bates St. DR.

4068. Realtors and Builders. M. O. GERDEN1CH.

7033 Central ave. BR. 5059. Refrigeration Service and Repairs. DUNCAN BROS.

REFRIGERATION REPAIR 34 W. lOtn. RI. 9934. Replacements.

Restaurants, Cafe. CHI-AM CAFE. IS W. Ohio. RL 8152.

We specialize In Chinese and American Dishes. Rug and Furniture Cleaning. MrKELVEY-KEL. INC. 602 8.

Penn. LI. 8449. Rug Cleaners. W.

O. JONES. 4440 N. Keystone. HU, 1366.

Cleaners and repairers of oriental rugs and furniture. Service Stations. STOP at BOB BACON'8 GAS AND TIRE STA. for service. N.

111. at Walnut. WOLD'S STANDARD SERV. STA. 115 N.

New Jersey. RI. 0597. WEST POINT SUPER SERV. complete one-stop service.

4035 Rockvllle Rd. BE. 2122. Savings and Loan Associations. SHELBY ST.

FEDERAL SAVINGS A LOAN ASS N. 2130 Shelby st. DR. 2182. Schools and Colleges.

MARIAN COLLEGE. 3600 Cold Springs rd. College for young ladles. HA. 3383.


'AGNES ACADEMY. Manetts. superior, 1350 LL 4101. Sister Mary N. Meridian, Funeral Directors.

W. T. BLASENGYM 222S Shelbr st. 312 N. Illinois st DR.

2570. HA. 4514. HISEY TITUS The Funeral Home 851 N. DE LA WARS 8T.

LL 3828. Krieger Funeral Home MR8. WM. E. KRIEGER.

PROPRIETOR. 1402 N. Illinois St. RI. 1243.

II. W. Proffitt 3040 N. Illinois st. TA.3241.

RAGSDALE PRICE 1219 N. Alabama. LL 3)8. J. C.

Wilson Prompt Ambulance Service 1230 Prospect st, DR. 032L DR. 0322. Florists, Lots, Monuments. Delaware FlowerShop 2922 N.

DELAWARE. TA. 3161. Sa Birth Announcements. mTNOIJNC6M6NTS KVOER Yorda and Emolcn (nee Beat), 1168 W.

35th announce the arrival of a bahy dauchler Camella Jane, welgnt 7 pounds, on March 23, at the Coleman Hos. pltal. Room 239. Mother and daughter are doing nicely and visitors may call. RENNER Urban J.

and Ethel (nee Howe), 372!) H. Meridian announce the arrival of a baby daughter, Barbara Ann, weight 6 pounds 3 ounces, at Ht. Vincent's Hospital, Room 303. Mother and bahy are doing nicely and visitors may call Sunday and thereafter. VV A I) Wesley-C.

and" A ibona nee lT-lerj, 5010 Wash, announce the arrival of bahy daughter, Tlnka Louise: weicht, 7 pounds, on March 24th, Ht. Vincent's Hospital, room 315. Mother and daughter are doing nicely and visitors may call. Lodge, Club Notices. i.

inaianapoiis, cnapter No. Wfl 393, called meeting Tuesday March 90 nt ft fnr mihlln iiisifiiiti mm oi omcers. MARY R. PROSCH, W. M.

BEULAH E. LEWIS, Secretary. Lost and Found. LOST In or near Indiana garage, a large Wllsona Kennel envelope and catalogue, containing two old photographs. Reward.

Ben H. Wilson, Rushvllle, Ind. LOST Lady's black purse, on Penn. car or Penn. st.

downtown. Reward. DR. 2024. LOST Coin purse containing monev Keystone bus Friday night.

BR. 5386. 1'ersonals. JOHN SAXON, formerly Marion about to lose old home. Please write me at Seventh and Oakland, Kansas City, Kas.

MAY. WOODLAND-rL. for discriminating eld-erly or convalescent ladles; prlv. home, lit. 6010 BILLS NOTES and CLAIMS collected without charge unless successful.

633-6-7 Lemcke bldg. 80NO POEMS wanted on anv subject. Send best poem today for offer. Richard 82 Woods Chicago. NEW hata priced ri ghTj block! gi Rose Remy, 619 Occidental bldg.

HAIRCUT. SHAMPOO, set or mircel, 25c. INTERNATIONAL, 342 E. WASH. SHADYREST home for aged or invalid ladtea.

8643 E. Wash. st. IR. 6130.

VAPOR BATHS, relief for aches and pains. 302 New York No. 3. PHYSIOTHERAPY. Baths, Colonic Irrlga-tion.

402 E. New York, Apt. 1, RI. 4968. FOOT treatments.

DR. A. P. HALL, 402 Kresge bldg. RI.

3198. Mill Supplies. ARROW RUPPLY 124 W. Vermont. RI.

2571. Gates Industrial Hose. Millinery. AI.VON HAT SHOP, 47 Monument Circle. New styles daily; Import copies moderately priced.

Mimeographing. RI. 6088 for mlmeograpned or multlgraphed letters, ruled forms, etc. 10 W. Ohio.

Monuments and Markers. BLAKLEY GRANITE CO. 3502 E. New York st. IR.

4130. Moving and Trucking. BORNMAN TRANSFER CO. 3534 E. 10th.


30th st. HA. 3901. HIGHLAND MUSIC AND BOOK NOOK. 138 E.

30th St. HA. 3901. Musie Schools. HUGO MUSIC SCHOOL.

Alice Green, 3159 E. 10th. CH. 6586. Neon Signs.

A-B-C NEON SIGN MFG. 1600-1-2 Bellefontaln St. Quick Service. HE. 42.

Newspapers. WEST SIDE MESSENGER, Tnney E. Flack, Publisher. 2927 W. Wash.

BE. 1865. Qualified to carry legal adver. Night Clubs. CLIFTON INN.

2901 Clifton. TA. 5545. Entertainment nightly. Wine, beer, liquor.

CHEZ PARES NIGHT CLUB, 17 N. 111. Indiana's finest supper club. RI. 0221.

Nursing Homes. WAGNER, FLORENCE, NURSING HOME 1902 N. Illinois. TA. 3809.

Nuts, Wholesale. INDIANA NUT CO. "Quality Brand." 230 W. McCarty. Bruce Morrison, Mgr.

LI. 7372. OHlce Supplies. HI KFORD S. lit Meridian.

Rt. 1301 i Outdoor Advertising. GEN-RAL OUTDOOR1 ADV. INC. 611 Madison ave.

LI. 2675. Painters and Decorators. GODDARD, ELMER L. 421 N.

Emerson. IR. 6834. Call eve. llab.

Insur. Pants. PANTS STORE CO. 46 W. Ohio.

RI. 2616. Paper Wholesale. CENTURY PAPER CO. 207 8.

Meridian. LL 6351. Fine printing paper. I'aifr Cleaning. PAPER CLEANING, wall washing, floor waxing; excel, serv.

O'Donaid. TA. Taper Products, Wholesale. SAMSON PAPER S33 W.

Walnut LI 8319. Distributors of dependable paper products. Pen Hospital. ANY MAKE PEN, PENCIL REPAIRED. THE PEN HOSPITAL 21 S.

III. LI. 728a. Pharmaceuticals In Bulk. M.

BUNDY CO. 819-21 High st. DR1479 Plumbing and Heating. Hl'BER A FLASKAMP. heating contractors.

4001 Blvd. place. WA. 4412-0391. Printers.

CENTENNIAL PRES8, 20S- Century bldg. RI. 3722. A. T.

Connor. SAVE UP TO 25 ON ALL PRINTING. Boyd Printing 101 W. Ohio. LI.

3963. WOLF, KARL PRINTING 11 E. Georgia. JU. 6664.

Jlnding. engraving. In Memorlams. fi.NHI.EY In memory of Dud Ensley, who passed away one year ago today: His smiling way and pleasant face Are a pleasure to recall. He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all.

Some day we hope to meet him. Some day we know not when, To clasp his hand In the better land Never to part again. Wife and Children. GIDEON In loving remembrance of our mother and grandmother, Elizabeth Gideon, who passed away nine years ago, March 28. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, The world's weary trouble and trials are past, In silence she suffered, In patience she bore, Till God called her home to suffer no more.

Sadly missed by daughters and granddaughter, Margaret. HARRIS In loving memory of our dear mother, Sophia Harris, ho passed away March 24, 1935: Gone Is the face we loved so dear, Silent Is the voice we loved to hear; Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thought to reach. The Children. HOLMES In remembrance of our dear father and grandfather, J. W.

Holmes, who passed away March 29, IBL'5: Three years have passed since that sad day, When the one we loved whs called oway. God tojk him home. It was His will, But In our hearls, he liveth still. Daughters, and Grandchildren. J.

INK In memory of Nathaniel p. Link, who passed away two years ago, March 24, 193d: Gone and forgotten by some you may be, But dear to our merm.ry you ever will be. Wile, Cora, and Artie. 1.1 KINS In loving memory of our dear mother. Margaret Luklns, who passed away 12 years ago March 28, 1926.

You are not forgorten, mother, dear, or never shall you be. As long as life and memory last we shall remember thee. The family. RK.IIKr.l.liT In loving remembrance of Letltla Rehfeldt, who passed away one year ago, and May Nicholson, who passed away two' years ago. Sad and lonely.

Sister Lucille New, B1PF.S Tn sad hut loving remembrance of our darling little man, who departed this life March 29, 1936. Two years has passed since that sad day, When the Heavenly Father took little Richard away. Forgive us, Lord, for asking why, nut oh, why did he have to die? Our henrts are sad, the burden severe, God alone knows how we miss him here. Mother. Daddy and Sisters.

HNAPI' In loving remembrance of John K. Snapp, who passed away five years ago, April 1, 1933. The rolling stream of life rolls on, But still the vacant chair Recalls the love, the voice, the smile Of the one who once sat there. Loving Wife and Daughters. STIFF In memory-oT RayN.

Stiff who passed away March 26, 1937. (lone is the face we loved so dear. Silent la the voire we loved to hear; Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thought to reach. The Family. SUTHERLAND In loving- remembrance of William H.

Sutherland, who passed away eight years ago today, March 27t.h, 1930. The Sutherland Families. Wl KI.IKK In loving remembrance of my husband and pal, Norman A. Wlckllff, who passed sway two years ago today, March 27, 1936: What would 1 give to clasp your hand. Your happy face to see; To hear your voU and see your smile That meant so much to me.

Hadlv missed these two long years by Gladys Wlckllff. tVOI.VK.RTON" In loving memnrv of my mother. Nettie D. W.ilverbm, who passed sway Marcn 24, 1928, and my brother, Louis E. Wol-verton, who passed away March 26.

1936. Beula Arms. WRIGHT In memory of Thomas Wright, who passed away Marrh 26, 1937: More nnd more each day we miss him; Friends may think the wound la healed; But thev little know the sorrow Lies within our hearts concealed. The Family. WRIGHT In loving memory of Mahlon M.

Wright, who passed away March 27, 1937: You left behind broken hearts that never have forgotten you nnd never will. Lonely Wife, Norma, and Children. Funeral Directors. SHIRLEY BROS. CO.

916 N. Ill, SU U. 9109. Churches Christian. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Del.

and Walnut. Rev. Wm. A. Shiillenberger.

LI. 7R59. Churches Methodist F.piscopal. RIVERSIDE PARK METHODIST CHURCH, 2440 N. Harding.

Rev. H. J. Kleser. TA.

0692. Churches Lutheran, ST. MARK'S ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH. Prospect and Linden, Jtcv. R.

H. flenting. I'ru mi BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN CHURCH, Rev. Allen K. Trout, B2d ana central, nu.

M02. Church, Organizations. INT). BAPTIST CONVENTION, 1729 N. III.

TA. 6910. Rev. Thoe. J.

Tarsone, D. Becy. Cleaners. ST. CLAIR CLEANERS, 305 W.

St. Clair. Also Rugs, Drapes Cleaned. Delivery. LI.

0973. Cleaners and Dyers. LEONARD, WM. "BILL" GARMENT CLEANERS, 2119 W. Wash.

BE. 4100. Cleaners Rug and Furniture. SCHOEN LI. 2451.

Quality Serv. In Drapes, Rugs and Furniture. Commission Wholesale Merchants. ESKENAZl MORDOH, 406-412 K. South.

Fresh Fruits snd Vegetables. LI. 9534. Contractors House Remodeling. MODERNIZE YOUR HOME WITH ART-BRICK OR AHBESTOS SIDING.

ESTIMATES FREE FHA TERMS. Amerlcsn Siding A Roofing Co. RI. 1461. Contractors.

TODD. O. 4224 Oraceland. WA. 3691.

Roofing, Tainting, Carpenter Work. Gen. Rprs. Contractors, House Remodeling. Hl'BER CONTRACTING CO.

S050 Northwestern. TA. 25R0. Contractors, Remodeling General Repairing. WORK Done by a reliable Co.

Means Protection to You. Try Our Flnsncs Flan. RI. 6900. Conservatory of Music.


Contractors F.lectrlcal. SHARTER A GARDNER. 6500 E. 11th St. IR.

6619. Socialise in power Insulation, Contractors F.lectrlcal. MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC 932 Mass. RI. 5135.

Industrial wiring, motor rewinding. Coal Dealers. FREDERICK COAL CO. DR. 1792.

A Coal for Every Purpose. LEAN OAL KINO OAL OMPANY LI. 6155 OKE 127 BLAKE ST. Coal and co*ke. INDIANAPOLIS COAL CO.

1101 E. 48th St. i WA. 1400 Detective Agencies. CHIEFS qUIGLEY-HYLAND 126 Monument PI.

English Hotel, RI. 4288. MIDWEST DETECTIVES, INC. T4S Consolidated bldg. LI.

1063 Donut Shops. DOWNY FLAKE PONUT-8ANDWICH SHOPS, 136 Monument Circle. LL 0216. 105 N. III.

LI. 0652. Dressmaking. TRIMBLE SHOPPE, T05-S Occidents! bldg, Remodeling and Specialise ta li Shirts. 101.

Death Notices. LITTLK James entered Into rest Thursday, age 67 years; father of Mrs. Bert Devers, Mrs. Wilbur West, Mrs. Ho-bart Pyle, Gustavus, James, Elmer, Philip and Elwood Little; brother of Mrs.

Payne niark and Miss Rnii Little. Funeral Hun- day. 1 p. at HARRY W. MOORE FUNERAL PARLOR; at Carteraburg M.

E. Church, 2:30 p. m. Burial Carters- burg, met. (CDRRECTED NOTICE.) McCOY Jess, of 1341 Kappea husband of Mabel, father of Virginia, passed away Friday a.

m. Friends may call at the TOLIN FUNERAL HOME, 1308 Prospect any time after 1 p. m. Saturday. Services Monday, 2 p.

at the funeral home. Interment Washington Park. Friends Invited. MORI ARTY Ellen, mother of Mrs. Mary Rice, grandmother ot oia nice jones and Louise Rice Torllne.

died Saturday morning. Friends may call at the home of Mrs. Rice, 1302 Parker. Funeral Monday, 8:30 at the home. 9 a.

St. Philip Nerl Church. Burial Covington, Ind. Friends invited. KIRBY.

NAHMIAS Matilda, of 1025 B. Illinois. passed away suddenly Hiturnay, wire oi Albert, daughter of Sophia Haznn, mother of Isadnre. Gol'lle nnd Ruth, sister of Albert Hazan. Services will be conducted 1 p.

m. today at the residence, 1025 R. Illinois. Arrangements by AARON-RUBEN. RICHARDS Thelma June, age 9, beloved daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Rollle Richards, sister of Virginia, passed away Friday p. m. Friends may call at the home. 832 Westbrook, any time.

Funeral 2:30 p. m. Monday at the Westbrook Nazarcne Church. 819 8. Denlson st.

DOKHEY SERVICE. SCtnUKK Katie, (craed away Friday morning, March .5. Mineral services at KREOELO-BAILEY, 2233 N. Meridian Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. age 63 beloved husband of Viola and father of Earl Stevens, hnther of Charles W.

Stevens and grandfather of Earl Helen and Margaret and great-grandfather of little Donald Stevens and Richard Brown, passed away Friday morning. Funeral Monday, 10 a. from the United Brethren Church, 11th and Olney sts. Burial Washington Park. Friends mav call at SHIRLEY BROS.

CENTRAL CHAPEL, 946 N. Illinois Saturday after noon and Sunday or at the church from 9 to 10 a. Monday. TAT ER A na mother of Mrs. Fred Roesner of Indlanapoha, Krlo Tauer of California, Mrs.

Hugh Pierce of New York and Mrs. Raymond Durlck and Paul Timer of Detroit, passed away Saturday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roesner. .1351 Kenwood ave. Friends mav call at the KRIEOER FUNERAL HOME, H02 N.

Illinois after 4 p. m. Sunday. Funeral notice later. TK.MIM.1N Elizabeth, age 84, widow of Issac Templln, passed away at her home east Jf Danville, Friday, March 25.

Funeral at the home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment Aimer's Creek cemetery. VVIIITTEN Jntile Taylor, mother of Frank of New Orleans, Joseph of Vancouver, Brit Columbia, and Eugene of Indianapolis, passed away Friday evening. Services FLANNER BUCHANAN MORTUARY, 30 a. m.

Friends Invited. Burial Crown Hill. Friends may call at the mortuary. WILSON Ira, entered Into rest Friday, age 83 years, husband of Eva Wilson, father of Mrs. Pearl Rybolt, stepfather of Mrs.

Gertrude Bell, Mrs. Ida Bsker, Charles and Walter Worth. Funeral Mon-day at HARRY W. MOORE FUNERAL PARLOR, 2:30 p. m.

Burial Floral Park cemetery. WRIGHT John age 83, husband of Mallnda, father of Lawrence B. Wright, passed nway at his home near Sheridan, Saturday morning. Funeral at resl-rience Monday morning, 10:30. Burial Crown View, Sheridan.

PKTT1JOUN-HilNKLIN FUNERAL DIRECTORS. In Memorlams. Cl' MM I NGN In sad but loving remembrance of Charles, my beloved son, who passed away one year ago, March 27, 1937: Mv heart still aches with sadness, My eves shed many tear; God alone knowa how I miss you As ends the Ant sad year. His lonely Mother, Onlrtle. OAI'RK In loving memory of our wife and mother, Goldle M.

Gause, who passed away four years ago, March 30, 1934. In our hearls your memory lingers, Always tender, fond and true, There la not a day, dear mother, We do not think of you. Husband and Daughter. GRAOY In loving remembrance of our mother. Alma Eleanor (Inuiy, who passed away 12 yean ago, March 27, 1928: What is home without a mother? All things this world may send.

But when we lost our darling mother, We lost our dearest friend. Dorothy, Frances and Ruth, 10 Special Announcements. Automobile Service. AFPLEOATB MOTOR 25 W. 11th.

Specialize Hudson, Terraplane service. LJ. 3262. Mlf.LKTT, O. A.

928 N. Penn. Body, fender rprs. Painting, lettering. LI.

81194. Automobile Wreck Rebuilders. EARL W. SHOWALTKR A 40 W. Walnut.

III. 2M6. Open 24 hours. Rakcry. BRUNSON'S Better Ties.

Cakes. Tastrles. Open All Nile. 2619 Shelby. 0134.

Barber Shops. BILL BENTLEY cordially Invites his downtown customers to Billy Brown's, 63 W. 34th st. Reality Parlors, ROBERTS BEAUTY SHOP, Mr. snd Mrs.

J. R. Roberts. 528 Mass. ave.

Ll. 0632. Rcauty and Rarber School, INTERN AT'L BEAUTY AND BARBER SCHOOL. Accredited and state licensed. 342 E.

Wash. 0192. Reddinic Manufacturers and Renovators. BURKLE, 431-33 Mass. RI.

6M5. Pillows, Matlressrs. Comforts Renovated. Beer Distributors. DRINK REROHOKF BEER.

CAPITAL CITY SUPPLY INC. Beverage Distributors. BOTTLERS, INC. 55 8. Oriental.

RI. 9501. Red Cap Beverages. Boiler Repairs and Flue Welding. CENTRAL BOILER AND SHEET IRON Harding and Ray.

Stacks and Breecntngs. RE. 0126. Bottles. FOGLE BOTTLE CO.

901 Virginia ave. PR. 0556. Building Material. FARM AND HOME SUPPLY 1 Ky.

RI. 4055. Shingles, Roofing, Taints. Burial Vaults. G-B VAULT 330 W.

40th. WA. 31.10. Cement Burial Vaults of Quality. First-Class Workmanship.


MARKET. I.I. 1206. Cafe. KEN-RICH CAFE, 239 N.

Capitol. Plata Hotel. Tastefully prepared at popular price. LI. 0982.

Canned Goods. LADOGA CANNING COMPANY. PURE FOOD PRODUCTS. 856 Consolidated Bldg. RI.

3419. Cinders, Crushed Stone. CINDERS, BAND, GRAVEL. Crushed stone, general hauling. IR.

0691. Chartered Busses. NEW AND MODERN busses at low rates. Comfortable snd roomy. Competent drivers.

Call RI. 1571. Indpli. Railways. Chemists.

ATKINSON, FRED INC, 407 Transportation Bldg. RI. 2174. Chrysler and Plymouth. WEST SIDE MOTOR SALES.

2419 W. Wash. BE, 1450. 24-hr. serv.

Churches Assemblies of God. WOODWORTH ETTER TABERNACLE, 2112 Miller st. Rev. Thos. Falno.

BE. 3510. RIVERSIDE TABERNACLE. 1S40 Roache St. Rev.

E. Edw. Miller. HA. 2421-U.

LAUREL STREET TABERNACLE. Rtft. I. Pries, Hit Laurel iU OA. 0630, 10 Special Announcements.

INDIANAPOLIS BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GUIDE Listing names, addresses and telephones of Business, Professional and Manufacturing interests of Indianapolis. This guide if carefully preserved will be of assistance to you in selecting the service or merchandise you need whenever you wish to refer to it. Indiana. Kresge Building Announcements. Funeral Directors.

GRINSTEINER'S 522 E. Market St RI. 5374 E. E. Gross Funeral Home MRS.

E. E. GROSS, PROPRIETOR. 1310 Madison ave. DR.

06fifl, DR. 0S61. G. II. Herrmann l.WS 8.

East St. DR. till. CIIAS. A.

II0CKENSMITI1 Ll. 6858. 729 N. 111. TA.

3892. Hat Shops. DURAND HAT SHOP, 23 N. III. New styles arrive dally; Inexpensively priced.

Hauling. RICH DIRT. SODDING, HAULING E. F. Marrs, 2527 N.

Temple. CH. 1482. Heating Contractors. TOF.HNER, R.

849 Mass. ave. RI. 4233. 8tm, hot water and vapor heating.

1 lot el and Restaurant Equipment. KING'S INDIANA BILLIARD CO. (Fixture store complete.) 1617-31 Southeastern. DR. 3578.

House Moving Engineers. E. W. LAPLANTE CO. 2.125 E.

46th at. WA. 2423. Ice Machinery and Plumbing. NEW and Used Ice Machinery.

Boilers, Radiators. Plumbing and Repairs. Topp A Topp. 846 Mass. RI.

8094. CH. 1509. Ink, Printing. PIVOT CITY PRINTING INK 22 N.

New Jersey. John J. and Leon M. Grady. LI.

8822. Insurance, Casualty. LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. 130 E. No.

631. LI. 2593. Insurance, General. MORRIS M.

CONN AND ASSOCIATES. "Strong as ths Nation." E. Market. RI. 4456.

Insurance, Life. UNION CENTRAL LIFE INS. 129 I. Rm. 1212.

Oren D. Prltchard. Mgr. Interior Decorating. BARRERE, William H.

Barrere 501-2 Occidental bldg. RI. 6072. Int. and ext.

painting and decorating. Interior Designers and Decorators. COPPOCK BROS. INTERIOR DESIGNERS DECORATORS Draperies, Upholstering. Wall Paper.

Painting, Carpets. Furniture Decorating, Gifts. 14 4.1 N. Meridian St. I.I.

2070. Jewelry. Buy diamonds, watches and Jewelry at reduced prices. DAVID KLOR "The Sportsman's Jeweler" 115 N. 111.

(Opp. Tiac. Ter.) LI. 7616. Indies' Wearing Apparel.

LOUISK BRIDGES FROCK SHOP. 1109 Park ave. LI. 8167 Landscape Gardners. SWISS LANDSCAPING THE.

1883 Roose. velt. CH. 1553. Trimming, Spraying, Planting.

Laundries. MODEL LAUNDRY John H. Pres. 614 E. Ohio.

LI. 148 Letter Service. BECK LETTER SERVICE 7S Century Mils. Offset printing, mailing, etc. LI.

6581. Linoleum, Retail. ESTIMATES given: all work gur. Over 250 patterns st 811 N. Ala.

LI. 0811. ACM CUT RATE LINOLEUM HOUSE. Live Stock Commission. FARR.

DOWNS A live stock com mission, 32 Union Slock Yard. LI. 5461. Loans. OSCAR'S LOAN CO.

356 Ind. Ave. Loans on enythlngfjliie.LI:092. SACksBROS. LOAN OFFICE.

808-10-12 Indiana ave. RL 8994. Loose Leaf Devices. ED. R.

HODGES R. J. Green. 314 Villa. DR.

0188. Binders, Ledgers, etc Lumber. KROOKSIDE LUMBER CO. 1150 E. 28th St.

TA. 4888. SilTion population WRXCKINO CO. Hi Dsla-r, LL U'fc Drugstores. MORRIS PHARMACY.

1HI1 Villa Ave. DR. 7210. Dry Goods. NATHAN WOLF, Dry Goods.

Ready-to- Wear. Mllllnerv. Gents' Furnishings. Open eve. 1214 N.

Senate. RI. 1738. Dyeing. GENERAL DYEING INC.

Fowler. CH. 6774. Indiana's Lsrgest Exclusive Dyers. Electrical Contracting and Wholesale Supplies.


9584. Elevator Manufacturers. HOME ELEVATOR 1142 SOUTH EASTERN. LI. 3295.

Repairs ot an makes. Employment Agencies. CT.IFT EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1542 Broadway. LI.

7784. Engravers. WARMOTH ENGRAVING V. M. Warmotli, owner, 225 N.

New Jersey. Rt. 8tool dye and copper plate engravers. Envelope Manufacturers. BOWERS ENVELOPE A LITHOGRAPH CO.

941 W. Michigan. RI. 7466. Farm Insurance.

Farm Insurance. EARL M. FRIEND, Agt. 215 N. Delaware.

RI. 7200. Feed Stores. SHAFFER, C. 970 N.

Tremont. Just Right starting, growing, laying mashes. BE. 4732. Fish Oysters, Sea Foods.

BOOTH FISHERIES CORP. 2.18 Mass. ave; RI. 1451-t-S, FishWholesaIe and Retail. CASE FISHERIES.

INC. 427-29 Madison. Ll. 5441-2-3. Wholesale delivery.

Food Markets. PATTERSON'S FOOD MARKET. 837 E. 21st. Groceries, meats, veg.

TA. 68S8-9. Floor Coverings, Wholesale. CARSON PI RIB SCOTT A 210 Meridian. RI.

4587. Carpets, Rugs and Linoleums. Forglngs. INDIANAPOLIS DROP FORGING CO. 1300 Madison ave.

DR. 1000. Drop Forglngs. Flower Shops. COLLEGE FLOWER SHOP.

5363 College ave BR. 4810. Fuel and Builders' Supplies. PARSONS COAL CEMENT INC. 6235 Wlnthrop.

WA. 3200. Funeral Directors. ROY J. TOLIN FUNERAL HOME.

130S Prospect. DR. 6969. HERRMANN. G.

H. FUNERAL HOME, 1505 8. ast st. DR. 4477.

Ambulance service. STEVENS, FUNERAL HOME. 2S31 W. 10th. BE.

4072. Ambulsnce service. JORDAN FUNERAL HOME. Carson Jordan. 1550 Brookslde, Home of Per- sonal Serv.

CH. 1132. Furnace Dealers. HOLLAND FURNACE 740 E. North.

Warm air healing, repairing. RL 2587. Garage, Auto Accessories and Tarts. CENTRAL GARAGE, 25th snd Central. TA.

617o. Also storage snd wrecking service. SACKS BROS. AUTO 2314 W. Mich.

Used cars bought snd sold. BE. 2189. Grocers. STTrt.r UUtKCT.

isai ft. Talbe! I. TA. 1040, Xanejr trulls, vagetabis free Hi, Accountants and Auditors. WESTERN AUDIT H.

D. Ppurgeon, Mgr. 522 Circle Tower. LI. 2738.

Account ins; Instructions. INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTANTS BOC, 3119-12 Lemcke 106 E. Market. Ll. 91M.

Addressing Machines. ADDRESSOGRAPH BALES AGENCY. C. F. Farrar, Sales Agt.

213-16 Occidental bldg. RI. 3673. Ambulance Service Funeral Director. CLYDE V.

MONTGOMERY. 1622 N. Meridian St. HA. 1444.

Artificial Limbs. WILSON ARTIFICIAL LIMB 17 W. Ohio St. RI. 2178.

Asphalt Resurfacing. BRAYTON, A. W. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, 721 K. of P.

bldg. Ll. 5920. Auto Dealers. SUPERIOR CHEVROLET, 552 E.

Wash. New and used cars. LI. 4378. SALES.

1302 Mer. Oldsmooile sales and serv. RI. LAWRENCE AUTO Lawrence. CH.

4184-2. Olds, and Chev. sales and serv. MONARCH MOTORS 1040 N. Merld Ian.

RI. 3347. Bulck sales and serevlce. FRANK HATFIELD CO. 623 N.

Capitol. RI. 9326. Johnson Chevrolet co 1035 n. Mer.

LI. 5361. Chevrolet Sales and Service. CARSON, Direct Factory Dealer 6 Pontlac 8." 750 Virginia. DR.

0232. RIVERSIDE AUTO SALES, 1309 W. 29th. TA. 2814.

Studebaker cars, trucks. Auto Dealers Studebaker. WEISSVAN STUDEBAKER DIST. 961 N. Meridian.

LI. 2511, Aiitnmnhiln Accessories and Parts. ivn.u rvT urnft ilsjn RTTPPt.Y 621 N. Illinois. LI.

7762. MERGRAF oils and greases. EUCO 957 N. Mer. RI.

K166. Dupon suto finishes, Fulmer seat covers Automobile Radiators Service and Repairs. A-l AUTO RADIATOR 111-119 Ken-tucxy. LI. 2374.

Cleaned on car in 30 minutes. Auto Repairs and I'arts. PONTIAC SERVICE, PARTS AND SALES. I. Wolf, Pontlac Dealers.

32 N. Meridian. LI. 4.M6. Auto Glass.

REPLACED WHILE-U-WAIT, day, nits. Lang Auto Glass, 2325 E. Wash. Auto Radios. IND.

RADIO SERVICE 1327 N. Cap-ItoL RI. 8855. Spec, in auto radio service snd repairs. Automobile WARD'S AUTOMOTIVE SERV.

916 Scioto. LI. 0739. Rayoestos brans serv, Auto Body and Fender Works. TRIANGLE BODY SHOP, 1442 N.

Capitol. RI. 3297. Also painting, 1st class work guaranteed. Auto Farts and Repair.

OLDSMOB1LE SERVICE, PARTS, BALES. Hlckman-Moyer Sales. 1302 N. Meridian (Olds Dealers) RI. 6377.

Auto Rebuilders. PENN. MOTOR INN, 1450 N. body and fender works. Free est.

RI. 9369. Auto Upholstering. KATON, W. R.

A HON, 93 N. LI. 4925. Auto snd furniture upholstering. Auto Service.

CHJtlS -PECKER'S MOTOR Hi Plerson. LL 6196. Specialist In Bulck.

The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.