The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

SALESMAN must have car. Experience not SMALL, BUT PROFITABLE. Paint PURE raw linsued oll $1.98 gal. era. theater.

TV Mart. next door to Paramount necessary but helpful. Weekly guarantee pAper Low rent and long lease, 89 -enta white barn paint $1.95 WRECKING and car allowance. 740 Main W. assures you of a gond living.

A gold nine ready mired $2.39 cal. utiltty paint apartment buildings at University of USED STOVES in excel cond. from $10. Springfield, for livewire. Owner wants to retire.

Write $2.95 gal Lawn chairs lawn rakes sale Masa. on in Amherst, Masa. All materials for Max Okun's Furniture 1935 Main St. SALESMAN to represent a nationally known Box 233 Onion Office. 5 1.19 gal.

Hoof can. lavatory foundation einks coating $16.95, $2.35 kitchen for lumber, doors, premises at windows, job-site good oak prices. flooring, Includ. Tel. 0-4766.

manufacturer of business equipment and SMALL HOTEL AT NORTTIAMPTON, sinks $75 Compete line of garden tools sheetrock, shower toilets, sinks, USED WASHING machine. all makes from printed forma. Knowledge of office MASS. 20 rooms, A baths, new oil burner. lawn decorationa at big savings.

Open coal stoves and: many more Items. $10. Max Okun Furniture Co, 1936 Main cedure and car essential. ter- 2 minutes to Smith College. Widow.

says until 9 Ant. until 6 D. J. C. 3-1064 or 7-5058.

St. Tel. 9-4766. ritory tablishad with accounts. Immediate earnings from.

mell. 'Arnold Ave. 'N'Hamp, Nowak 333 Columbus 48 advances THEATRE: MA. city, seats 875. Priced to Spild J.8 Meadow Willimansett.

1000. Heavy Inq. Mr. timbers, Angers, 5x14-28' 76 long. Boston $75 Rd.

per Up To $100.00 Trade-In against commissions. Will train capable well, Int. on interview. Tel, 6-4818. STORM WINDOWS screens made in any for your old stove Dian in the fleld.

Full factory 500' season-mixed hard rough lumber tion and no shortages. Give details 1'8- USED. CAR business. Must be sold. Price size, Small carpenter: repair joba, 7-9733.

$250. Box 211 Daily News Wfid, Towards a Gleaming New lorence garding yourself and personal interview $3500. Rent free 60 days, 6-6480. SEWING MACHINI-1951 console. model.

Fuel and Feed 64 priced from $199.95 will be arranged at an early Ad- VARIETY STORE for male, good established round bobbin-reverse stitch-attachmentsdress Box 1084 Union office. buainess. good location. Reasonable. Tel.

20 year guarantee--cost $244. Sacrifice A-1 SLAB wood, $13 a cord, "stove furnace, Okun Furniture Chi, 1891 Main St. Help- Male or Female 7285-1 Conu. will take a week. Call 9-3841.

fireplace. 2-4340. Prompt delivery. Nearest Arch COMPETENT couple to $3000 small market. Net profit STEEROMATIC baby carriage, gray white, For CHARCOAL VACUUM CLEANERS, Lewyt, Apex hold In Salisbury, Conn.

take charge of werkly. Good location. chrome trim Excellent cond. Gas refrig. picnics or industrial use.

Arthur L. G. E. Floor samples demonstrators. Greenwich, Reverrse charg.

2-371x) DOLAN- GRADY 7-5906 Excellent running cond. STANDING East Long. 762. Forbes Reduced prices. Wallace Limited 4-1121.

Ext. 'quantity. 18. Cell Ref. req.

Tel. V. Johnson, or write Mra. Win. K.

Ward Win. $3800 buy completely equlpped. Ice cream TWIN carriage. Convi baby carriage or hay for gale, 33 tona, G. E.

Al- VACUUM Piel, Salisbury, parlor. Including. ice cream machine and Like new. Reas. Also have 2 derman, Tel.

Middletield 545. CLEANERS used rebuilt. ElecEXPERIENCED WANTED. 2-0100 DOL Net profit $100 weekly, Bunny-Bear Good Thugs to Eat 51 etc. Tanks and G.E,, uprights Sweeper $7.50 ApPX, cabinets, car beds.

Call 4-0532, trolux, Hoover, PAY. STEADY WORKING WORK. CONDS. WEST GOOD $8000. buys State St.

Corner cloth cut de mounted to fit your rollers to BLUEBERRIES picking Mon. thru 'Sat. Limited quantity. Phone 4-1121, Ext. 18.

EXCELLENT WINDOW SHADES, selected Irregulars up. CLEANERS, SIDE location. 35" 6 ft. solid colors. $1.19.

No picking on Sun. Inq. Shumway, Allen Forbes Wallace. WESTFIELD 8'T. W.

S. 2-3700 DOLAN-GRADY 7-6806 WEST SIDE SHADE BLIND CO. St. liampden, 6 mi; from 'X'. WHITE EX COOK.

enamel top kitchen table white CALI, 6-7445. $700 buys pickip cleaning apot with 11 Central St opp. P'ost Office. W. S.

9-6491 "Never field ligh like bush, all 16c. a pickers say Good cond. Call 3-9869. CATERING EST. chairs.

MY P. retail salesman for est. cleaning route, $50 wkly. to someone requiring light work WICKER not folding, eXcel cond. J.

Kramer, Ashfield 4410. quart; 75 WILL sell Alexander all or part of 3 rms. furniture at no city, tood pay, comm. No Way. Clean- 2-8700 DOLAN-GRADY EVES, 7-5806 Tel.

4 BLACKBERRIES, pick Tarbell, night after 7. St. Apt. 4. Wed.

Friday :37 Walnut St. Business Opportunities Wanted 38A iT used. WELDING Deferred cutting equipment. Taft New 504 Rogers W. Spfld.

own. WHITE rotary elec. LORRAINE Spaghetti Palace. Waiter CLIENTS WITH READY in- Equipment payments, Main St. Welding BREAD de cond.

$33. Chicopee sewing machine. Gond waitress, exper. 1077 Main St. Ovest or buy outright.

We list CASH--will thru-out New Al71 4-5709. a bu. at butter. stand, AIRO other Field run, $.50 485R. SILK or rough presser wanted at M.

England. JULIUS. MELTZER 1387 Main WALLPAPER for every room in your home, tables for canning. Malone' Fruit fresh vege- 1 $125. HOTPOINT elec.

range. Used very little. 6 Oak Windsor Locke, 41. 4-1104: Heavy durable, quality. Fine 86- 338 Silver Agawam: 2-1079.

sunfast Stand, Call Cleanera. Tel. lection of patterns. Save 33 1-3 to 60 per Personal Finaucing rent. room measurements.

Poole's FRESH POULTRY Store turkeys, capons, Diamonds and Jewelry Male, Female Help Instructions 35 8 LOANS $100 Wallpaper 4th floor. roasters, eggs. Open evenings. Sunday unPURLIO 0. LOAN $1000.

CO. Money License in one day WHITNEY baby carriage. Reas. Telephone til p. m.

Pilch, Elm Thompsonville, DIAMONDS--GOLD--PLATINUM MEN WOMEN -Radio and television Main 183, 1381 4-8130. Conn. HIGHEST CASH PRICES fora you an exciting career. Become an Room 304. Tel.

3-6607. PC. living-rra. Tel PICK your own cucumbers. Janulewicz, 430 FREDERICK'S JEWELERS announcer.

newscaster. sportscaster, disc Money to Loan 6-0680. North West Feedihg Hills. 6-8118. ESTABLISHED 1908 jockey, fashion commentator.

women's SWEET 1563 MAIN 8r. now programs, starting. dramatics. Write Enroll for courses If you need 1st BENEFICIAL mortgage CONTACT Cameras and Equipment 51A dred. Roy G.

Miller, your Somers, own, $1 Conn. a Rte. hun- LADIES 17 JEWEL wristwatch with 20 dinCORN- Pick and telephone number, Box. giving 324 Union background Of- build or refinance your present money home to Red. buy, EASTMAN all metal 8x10 view with 83, 2 south' of state line.

monds set in plat. Per. condition, Box 139, LOMAS CO, Turner-Reicht 8.8 convertible 8x10 lense Union Office fire. 23 ELM 8T. 6-3636.

In Ilex No. 4 ayncro. shutter, Film holders, Household Goods 59 U. S. GOV'T.

JOBS! Men- -Women. 80.000 DIRECT REDUCTION mortgage avail. carrying case, and accessories, all A-1 con- Machinery and Tools 61 jobs wook. open Can you NOW! Start high Write tor FREE $66.34 qualified FULLAM home owners, CO. 6-6351 Immediate action, dition.

Phone Spfd. 3-7783. 6-0580 white after gas 5 p. stove. m.

Almost new $90. Call BEAR FRONT END ALIGN MACHINE ALL NO. Solar enlarger, professional print BANNER MACHINE DIDONATO COMPLETE, SALES LINE 82-page book-shows jobs, detailn, Rox 4098 HAVE MONEY TO LOAN FOR SECOND dryer, camera atand, F. R. HI spot, like A VALUE! SERVICE Union Office.

MORTGAGES. CASH IN 24 HRS. new. Tel. 9-8477.

100 living. room suites, factory display. 300 Springfield North Agawam 2-7004 Situations Wanted--Female 86. LOANS for mortgages. accounts receivable.

16 MM. SOUND PROJECTOR Ampo stylist. Tel. 2-7872, day eve. ERIE 36 yd.

3 comp. bin, aggremeter Save AVAILABLE PRACTICAL NURSE TEL Seaboard Discount, 1562 Main 4-3191. Total over $400 equipment. Sacrifice for APEX dition, $50. electric Tel.

4-4886. refrigerator, TIt. Good con- 23 elevator ton full $4600; trailer 28 ton $2500; semitrailer Tournadozer, $3800; 3-9650, LIVESTOCK $250. Tel. Chic.

2847W. yd. marion, etc. F. Sullivan.

2-8408. charge. BOOKKEEPER Mature. Exp. 5 day capable wk.

Box assuming 208 Union full Dogs, Cats, Pets Business Equipment 69 tion. 7-3721 HOUGH loader 1 yd. bucket ANTIQUE empire secretary, excellent condimortar office. COMPLETE restaurant equip. Also 8 cu.

ft. ALMOST new sofa bed, reas. priced. Call livan 2-8408. compressors, shovels, eto.

F. Sulmixers, EXP. OFFICE cleaner wishes cleaning. 7-8616. MALE Boston bull terrier for stud.

Tel. meat slicer. case Soda with compressor. Elec. meat 2-5281 after 5 p.

m. or daya. Tel. 4-3931 between 10 and 12 am. K.

C. rPg. sired DOWNY- cooler. donut Tel. machine.

Holyoke 2-3963. 50 High MONITOR BABY WASH. WITH WRING. Farm Machluery 614 EXPERIENCED woman wants housework by toy spaniel champ, King Charles doz; Makes chair $5.07, crib $9.95, stroller $6 day, $3 carfare. Lox 349 Union Office.

2-5642. puppies. Mate female, Tel. battery an hour. of collee Also 11 cash register dining room.

livingroom bedroom furniture A VA ILA BLE EXPERIENCED typist desires work to be BEAGLE PUPS-44 Elia at Snak Shop, 1128 urns. South Can Pittsfield, them White COOPERS'. 2198 Crawford Main stove nr. $59. Memorial Weekly $2 1951 Ferguson tractors- Used 1948 Fep.

done at home. 4-1900. Locka 871J3. Plain, Windsor Mass. Sq.

guson-1847 Ford Ferguson $760.00 Usel DXP. SWITCHBOARD operator wishes DESKS, files. chairs, tables, males. visible FAYE'S LINOLEUM SHOP Jolin Harrow. Deere Used Disc Oliver 12" Harrow--Used plows.

Clark Uced disc position on fire day week basis. Gen. BOXER equipment. BROADWAY OFFICE SUP. is now located at West Loader and portable gasoline Daeral office work included reliable.

3-1967. Indian atred by Ch. Meri- PLY EQUIPMENT CO, 4-2040. 3209 MAIN BRIGHTWOOD saw rit. PRACTICAL NURSE part time work Carew Ter.

off 1227 Beau, Call Carew St, after 5. At 10 FOR SALE excellent office furnishings, Tel. Telephones 7-9168 6-4976 DIDONATO SALES SERVICE LIC. or vacarion relief work. Box 238 Union BEAGLES, all sizes.

also Spits. 41 Brond- 7-4914. EASY PARKING 300 Springfield North Agiwam 2-9701. WAY. Tel.

1072, Chicopee Falls. MEAT GRINDER-12 ft. HIlI refrigerated FRIDAY NITES FARMALL Cub tractors Office. OPEN THURSDAY BARGAIN and attaching NURSE TO ACT com- BEAGLE pupa. Excel.

bunting stock. Call meat case, alicer sbow case. Call Adama -LINOLEUM LAID FREE tools of all kinds. Parts and skilled mePRACTICAL panion, eXD. Box.

237 Union office. 6-3710. 1291. 20 sq. 9 12 for kitchen, only $14.95 chanics for all kinds of farm machines.

Sitnations Wanted--Male BEAUTIFUL MINIATURE GARAGE equipment tor sale. Must sell COOPER'S 2198 colorful Main near rugs, $3 95. Memorial Sq Farm J. W. Machine PARSONS Headquarters SON, since INC.

1930. YOUNG man 22 yra. wants part time Reg. Ch. Sired.

83 Dana St. 1-8273. immed. 4 Corner Service Station, E. Long.

A 9 12 FAMOUS MAKE WOOL RUG 73 North COLLIES ARC King St. Northampton Tel. 288 work. m. to 1 p.

m. Box 244 Union BOSTON A. 'K. C. pups.

Beautifully MEAT CASE 6 ft. double duty with com- STEVEN'S FURNITURE 429 'STATE ST. FARM-ALL Cub tractor with goine equipOffice. Rwell Kennels, 6-1306. marked.

pressor, very clean. 2-7129. BENGAL Deluxe model ment. Will sacrifice. Tel.

Ludlow 2544. COLLEGE GRADUATE desires position. Call CHAMPION mired Irish setter puppies A. K. Refrigerators.

fountains, counters. mos. old. 6-3721 SLIGHTLY USED 7 hp Ottawa RESTAURANT comb. 4-1, two-sperd Louis Dixon 9-5226.

C. reg. Tel. Holy. 2-9398 show cases, boothe, stools, Hotpoint try- APEX ELEC.

good working portable saw, $425 new, price now $240. COLLEGE GRAD, $6, married, seeks post- COLLIE PUPS A. K. C. REGISTERED ers, sand units, coffee makers, cold drink dis $40.

Call 6-9087. Girl's bicycle, small size, Model A Ford car, body cut back of cab tion with future. Box 216 Union Office. 2-3479. nOw used, cash good cond.

for farm use. good condition, $70. Tractor EXPER. sales Eng. Safety Eng.

Office Mar. COLLIE PUPPIES Sable, STORE FIXTURES BENDIX 1951. Latest model. Store dem- and West Implement Sales, 2025 Riverdala Supervisor. College.

37 old. Family, males, 1 females 7-5715. 244 608-14 DWIGHT 3-4862 6-644. onstrator. Excel.

buy. $169.95. 9-4744. Springfield. Mass.

NYC. Desires relocate New England. Sal- Ave. SACRIFICE 3. show cases, Herring-Hall BABEE TENDA SAFETY CHAIR- Ideal Musical Instraments 69 ArT W.

must be Auris, c-o In Burbank, Pittsfield 19 Amity week of DARLING co*cker pupa. Also Irish Setters. safe, cash drawer. 6-0680. seat for feeding Must sell plastic top adjustable baby.

seat. Now expanding showing GULBRANSEN small Grand rebuilt Pittsfleld. Mass. at once. Cheap.

4-8077. REPAIR machine. 1 champ, finisher, Babee Tenda Sales, 802 State St. legs. finished like new.

Small player. New FIRST AID room attendant. 13 KERRY Blue pupples. AKO reg. Tel.

he moved this stitcher, week. $130 Joe good Warersak. cond. Must 28 BEIGE tapestry living spinets. Reas.

29 White St. Tel. 2-1831. Landis 9-2828 Arst aid instructor. Have credentials.

Hates Westfield. Call btw. 5-6 p. Like new. Tel.

T'ville 7371, 8-8 p.m. IF you are interested in a fine grand 8-1489. rm. set, odd chair. Tel.

Ludlow 2819. SPRINGER Spaniel puppies, hunting stock, piano call 6-6647. HOUSECLEANING Jobs of al! kinds W. B. Hayes.

26 Grinnell Greenfield. I STORE RESTAURANT FIXTURES MARKET EQUIPMENT EQUIF. BLACK new. Hot WHITE water reservoir. Kalamazoo High range.

Like Seeds, Plants, Fertilizers 63 formed by experienced young man. Tel. TROPICAL exotic coldfish planta, LARGEST DISPLAY IN NEW ENGLAND closeta. Will sacrifice for warming 4-2842. sories, turtles.

Lu's Aqua Gardens, 102 3 SALESROOMS CHUCK FULL Tel. Holyoke 8586. immediate sale. ALL COLORS glads. Ige.

blooms. Funeral Man desires part dme Job. High Jackson, Holyoke 3-9446. FRANK STEIN SON. INC.

BABY carriage in Reas. 4-3345. baskets by order. Tel. 7-1868.

WIll buy litter of puppies. 32-34 HAMPDEN SPRINGFIELD before A 11 a. m. good cond. Call 9-3983 Wearing Apparel 63 Eves.

TIME truck ends, driving or what have 4-8077. TAYLOR BREAKFAST table 2 chairs. Chrome. ATTENTION! 100 new gowns, closing out PART Tel. 512 HIGH HOLYOKE you.

week 0-5178. YOUNG PARRAKETS FOR SALE gal. icecream making Good cond. Tel. 4-91W.

Chicopee. at $5. Modern Bridal Shop. 518 Main VET 23, driver's lic. wants part-time ork.

TEL. 3-5286 show cases, carh registers, grille, coffee Indian Orchard. 4 to 11 p. m. Tel.

3-8519. Horses, Cattle, Tehicles St. maker, James greeting card caberets. etc. 411 BABY GRAND, 5 ft.

all reconditioned, like MEN' SUITS $12, $11, $18, $20. Sport YOUNG MAN with college and soine ales A Ave. new: Belevidere St. coats $8 up. Pante $3 STEADY market USED STORE tions.

up. Free alterabackground wants Job, preferably sales to key's for old houses. Star. Axtures, snow and wall cases, COLD SPOT refrig. 9.6 Schaffer's, 42 New Dwight, Near established accounts.

Union Office Box Mink Farm, Westfield, 10433. counters, mannequina, forms, stands. dis- $140. Call 6-5432. cu, ft.

yrs. old. State St. Mink READY market for your horses. Wilson play unit.

Ten Broeck, 196 Worthington St. CIRCASSIAN walnut MEN'S white fo formal coats $4 ea. 22. Ranch. Somers.

Conn: Tel. villa WE ARE ONE of the oldest firms in West. diningroom set. Im- chairs. panquet tablecloth, other bargains.

Antique 3183. Mass. equipment. dealing in new used business berry St. 10 pc.

124 Mul- The Main. Hampden Store, 8 Hampden St. near FINANCIAL ported Italian upholstery Business Opportunities BEST Agawam. HORSE In America. 275 School money.

Te us have Do before you salesmen's buy com- and CROSLEY REFRIG. A-1 NEARLY ALL KIDDING ASIDE to Easy washer $35. A-1 guaranteed. $40 NEW quality clothes for women If you after security CHARLIE GOLDSTEIN Holyoke Auction Inc. 8-1610.

guaranteed. Tel. children. Ann's Shop. Taylor St.

here in I. are 0. this well for diversifted -look com- La paying top prices for herds of cattie 524 High Street, Holyoke COMBINATION WE RENT WEDDING munityyou will find th variety Goldstein Gurwitz, Ware, Mass. Tel. 890.

"Boats and Accessories gAS ranges. Good RANGES, condition, electric ranges, MAID'S, FLOWER GIRL'S, ETC. 4-4047. GOWNS. store with many profitable sidelines with old.

Fancy Tennessee show Walking or mare. three years ROGERS HOME APPLIANCE Wanted--To Buy 66 REG. $10 and up. products. unequaled $17.500.

traffic. Known for its quality nesses Walker. J. F. pleasure.

Real Elisabeth Ten- Kalamazoo Phone New Home, 1080 State st VET 6-1234 or 4-6914 buys paper. copper, raga, iron, lead. EVERETT LEROY TROMBLY. Realtors Rock. Northampton.

Mass. Tel. 3428. ATTENTION TUNA FISHERMEN! Walsh, 9-5868. Aptid.

Office 8-1228 Home 8676 6-2349 SADDLE HORSE Raited. Sound Must leave this section-26' Sport Fisher- CREAM burner. GREEN comb. gas oil with ABSOLUTELY best cash prices for used A CONFECTIONERY Variety store app. War asking $125, price now $93.

planked man--Built '47--155 Flagship engine, double DININGROOM iron. rags, sewi ng machines, 7-6568. Call 7-8751, housing project. Dependable income. Open SADDLE Morgan Mare.

A good inanent This Completely boat won the equipped. Tuna Tour- Rods. ard Rotary set, sewing 9 piece machine, walnut. metal' Stand- cat. ALWAYS TURE SPOT CASH FOR USED days.

Reas. 4-0464. home more important than price. Har. reels, gear and tackle, lurea, chest drawers, cab.

radio, SEWING MACHINES. 7-0564. ANY business or property buying or selling rington. Orange, Maws. Tel.

253-J. pulpit. -swivel chair, spare parts, bass out-riggers, top table. Tel. 6-3084.

mahog. tip- BIG TOP PRICE FOR USED FURNIwe'll help you. Shah Realty, 1618 Main. WANTED TO. Herda of dairy cattle.

tuna. Ship to Shore. Radio-phone if wanted. IN pc. ivory cane pan- CALL TURE.

2-8512. REFRIGERATORS, RUGS, STOVES. to APT. BLOCK A-1 location condition, Harry Moskowitz, Great Barringion 490. $3000.

P. O. Bor Santult, Mass. Cape eled decorative bedrm. set.

Priced to sell. fireproof, D. elevator, good terms. FRESH heifer 1 ready to freshen. Cod.

Will spend 1 week. with buyer. Cut-glass water set. Canning jars. iron.

VET Call buys rags, paper, copper, brass, lead, C. POND, REALTOR 9-8876 Gorace, West Fuller Ludlow 3003. 2-5673. 47 anytime 6-9178. BAKERY wkly.

No competition. Poultry and Sapplies BOAT KITS marine suppliea-painte, 8prid. ELECTRIO refrigerators (25) G. E. frigi- BETTER PRICE papers rags, iron lead Owner retiring.

Tel. 3-7207. Chris Craft, 470 Main St. 7-2483. daires, Crosleys, Norge, Westinghouse brass, stoves boilers.

6-1333 or 8-1843. BEAUTY PARLOR local, 3 chairs, new rood- pullets. Superman Poultry of or fowl 7-5183. EVINRUDE MOTORS boats. many where.

others. Excel. cond, Del. every- BEST PRICE for bedroom kitchen BETTER. price for all kinds ern equipment, other interests causer own- Lawrence N.

King. South wick 144. $29.45 up. 9-4743 seta, cribs, dressers, chests all kinda er to sacrifice. No agent.

Box 153; A BETTER price for al: poultry. any EVINRUDE motors. Sales, service, parts. FURNACES coal-wood or wil burning fur of furniture. Lewis Furn.

Co. 7-8479. Union office. amount. United Poultry.

Ta. 3-0552. Schlavina's Sport Boat Co. 893 Main nacea. All sizes in stock.

All circulating ANDIRONS BRIC-A-BRAC BEDS. CAFE for sale. Sacrifice. Owner going in A-1 TOP PRICES for large roasting chick- St. West Spild.

3-3205 Open eves. blowers, Furnaces cleaned, repaired and HOLD FURNITURE OR ANYTHING HOUSEanother business. Box 176, Union Office. fowls, broiters, turkeys capons. MERCURY Motor Sales.

Harold King parta. FREE estimating. Holland SALEABLE, CALL ESSEX ANNEX CORNER variety and confectionery store J. Zelazo, West Spfid. 3-2310 or 6-8776.

ACE 95 Taylor. Tel. 6-7271. 3-0539. opp.

school and church. W. 8. $3000. Tel.

ALL LIVE poultry wanted. Highest prices. JOHNSON Motor 02 H. P. Used two tables, antiques, Dressers, chairs CASH price paid for furniture, stoves FURNITURE 4-8516.

Kaplan, 42 Essex St. 6.0883, 3-3403. sone. Completely overhauled. A swell china, glass rings, 118 Thompson rugs, etc.

Cooper's 2-1938. CAFE excellent. 1 o'clock closing. Property BABY CHICKS co*ckerels. Pfch': Harrington.

Orange, Mass. Tel. 253-J. buy, St. ANY 2-3700 also if wanted, Elm Thompsonville, Conn.

JOHNSON MOTORS Thompson Boats, all FLORENCE white. Tel. comb. 3-3043. kitchen range, Gas oil, West equipment Side bought and sold.

Highest price. TYPE- Office, store or restaurant DOLAN- GRADY eves T-58 CHICKS White rock. 5 weeks old. tops, Runabouts. Canoes, Bassett Auction, 2-7129 or 7-0324.

-Restaurant luncheonette run also. Nichol N. H. Red Chicks, 3 wks. boats.

Bassett': Bait Boat Row- FURNITURE repairing, reglueing, remodel- CASH FOR situated. old Tel. 7-5096. 555. Mfeadow St.

shire Are. Tel. 4-8364. ing. etc.

Tel, 4-1574. Regardless of Condition. Tel. 6-6647 A GRAND PIANO 2-3100 DOLAN-GRADY. Ist, house on right over South End Bridge, SALE: $8 lite save double cushions $5.50.

FOR SALE -Diningroom set, 9x12 rug, CAMERATA buys rags, stove, papera, iron, stover, CAFE--Best. in city. Also best location. Do- EXCELLENT New Hampshire White $11 ring buny $.7, $126 car top boats 19 Greenleat washer low price for quick sale. boilers metals.

Yard Prices, 3-9076. ing month. $2300 weekly lease. Will business. Rent $225 Rock oullets.

Will lay about Sept. $1.45 row fully boats, $99.50. $560 molded runabout er 6 p. m. West Springfield aft- BARNEY'S ANTIQCE SHOPPE tion.

Box Look Union Office. stand inventica. Pach. Will deliver any amount free of galore, equipped Closed Sun. $495, Marina Mon.

accessories, FRIGIDAIRE, GOOD PRICES, ANTIQUE CHINA, charge, Call anytime T'ville. 5630. 259 Appleton BEIQUE'S, Black cu. It. Good cond.


100,000 one of finest, doing over SANITATION PRODUCTS, Insenticide, poul- WILL SELL 3-3464. Size 14-16. $15. Call GUNS. MODERN ANTIQUE.

Holyoke. fur coat. CALL a year. auditors figures available. try supplies and remedies, Drop in and or swap practically new 5 h.

D. 2-1609. 2-3700 DOLAN-GRADY EVES. pick winne' on our PULLET DERBI." motor for or 10 h. D.

Call FLORENCE comb. gas oil stove. Hot GAS I BLOCK mic. business. A profitable TAFLOR METHE STRFET, PHONE 2-1194 16 FT.

Lyman. Reasonable. 4 University PI. $110. water coil, 1048.

excellent used 18 mos. engines. ENGINES Young, 1 h. 590 p. full Dwight reond.

St. $16. Now CINDER business $12.000. with valuable real catate for only STARTED Rhode Island sex-linked Conn. T'ville.

5445. GAS refrigerators, JOHNSON'S BOOKSTORE Chic. 1-9114 EARL E. EMPSALL 7-9114 for sale. Leroy Partridge, Barr Rd.

New 22 H.P. outboard. Good cond. Reas. Modern.

$25 Excel. cond. used books, antique furnitura and AD4-CYL. Servels (6). pays cash for Braintree.

Ph. Gilbertville Call 2-5560 bet. 5 6 p. m. G.

up. 7-7042. tiques. 1379 Main St. Tel.

2-6221. Tel. DOWNTOWN 4-3347. bowling alleys. Exc.

income. H. P. waterwitch, outboard motor, $65. E.

deluxe refrix. 7 cu. ft. $80. General MERCHANDISE Call 3-3472.

deluxe still cab. $35. 7-6345. ROOM AND BOARD Park. DELICATESSEN Neat; Well Grocery, stocked.

Mine Good location. Income Articles For Sale 61 Building Materials 54 GUARANTEED FRIGERATORS. USED ELECTRIC RE- Rooms With ALL MAKES FROM Board 61 $3500. 4-3093. AS LITTLE $1.90 will redecorate your 1 SATS-Rave on your bulling needs.

$24.50 while they last. MAX OKUN A PLEASANT front bedrm. with bath. In DRUGSTORE LOCATION. fast growing room, with attractive wallpaper.

Hundreds Good hard brick, practically clean, maple FURNITURE 1935 MAIN ST. TEL pyt. home Fo. elderly lady desiring tray section. Going business.

Everything except of fresh, richly colored patterns at 19c flooring, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, and 2x10, framing 9-4766. service, kindness care $35 wk. Box. 236 drug license. roll and up Papering equipment loaned lumber, matched boards.

W'recking East GLENWOOD. STOVE. white, new $200. G. Union Offine, 2-3700 DOLAN-GRADY EVES.

7-3806 free: Standard Paint Wallpaper, 1819 Union 'St. School, Union Spfld. sear E. Refrigerator $25. Tel.

9-5168. BETWEEN both Armories. Board room DON'T MISS THIS INVESTMENT Main St. Winchester Su. G.

E. REF. 5 cu. ft. Excel, cond.

$35.00. for working man. 6-5228. MUST SELL because of illness. MAIN ARMY -NAVY SURPLUS AT SURPLUS LUMBER CORP.

Majic chief 3 burner table top apt. size PLEASANT front rm. with board, for elderly St. Drugatore. Completely equipped shovels, picks, sledge hammers, BUILD FOR LESS $20.00.

198 Central St. apt. 5 or Tel. 9-3611 person or gent. employed.

6-5022. Johnson stocked. Large Realtors. Income. 6-7294.

$11.000. T'Ville. E. 3489. D.

mattocks, 48 $1.00 ea. Spades 50c. swings 30c, With our Wallboards guranteed Producta. 6c per. Mr.

Durkee, Eve. Rooms Without rakes, GI bags 50c, curbione 25c 30c. HOTPOINT Board 68 RATING CONCESSION for sAle on State heavy duty Iron type fence post 6. ft. 55c, Cyress Mabigany Clap flush bd doors No.

$123 per sweepers. 202 Orange St. Anytime before elec. 2 A QUIET room for business man near range. $125 cash.

2 Highway, near Lakes. has per roll, cedar clothesline posts $1.00 each. Rear, light Grade A doors $12.50 $12.50 p. m. town.

3-7126. good income, reasonable price, owner sick. stirrup rain pumps $2.30. Jungle lawn hammocks, $3. 2 Panel Grade doors $9.75 KITCHEN stove, comb.

gas oil also AT 11 MYRTLE cor. State. A nice Call 4-2680. Navy gear $5, sprinkers 50c. Picture complately double bed spring.

Apply H. Rattner front room. Reas. Call 2-7103. going FLORISTS business AND for GROWERS A wonderful equipped.

Wading pools or sand box, metal Oak sembled flooding $50.00 1814 Dwight St. AN EXCELLENT room. Priv. family, IACrow bars $1.50, Chryaler pump. Trailer one or two men.

3 7 ft. long. 8 ft. wide. In.

deep. $7,50. per. bd. ft.

KITCHEN Gas stove, beds, china closet, dy only. 6-4844. plants now growing. established A real accounts, bargain 5000 At One 550-gal. gas tank with skirts, pump and Red Cedar garage Clapboa doors $50.00 ea.

ing room sofa. Very reasonable. 7-6890. AT TIE Lge. rm.

near bath greenhouses, Overhead bd. ft KENMORE washer. gentleman. Priv. home.

38 Grenada for Ter. bus. $8900. on $3000 cash needed. 907 MEMORIAL WEST SPFLD: Select Cedar od.

20c per. bd. ft Good running cond. $25. per.

SPFLD REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. 3-4823 AT THE Nove ty siding 15c per. ft 4-7141. 1 child ATTRAUTIVE RM. twin beds, kitchen privis.

FOR SALE: Well established Luncheon White paint $1.99 RATE HARDWARE 10 rolls Molded Casing 24" 9g per In. ft. KITCHEN TABLE 3 chairs. Call eves, 6-3816. CUT allowed Route complete with equipment; truck op- $1:99.

We rent floor sanders, wallpaper, COMPLETE MATERIALS SUPPLY OF IN ALL BUILDING 2-9310. A LGE. front bedrm. with connecting. sittional.

Fine onportunity for part time. wallpaper steamers, wall papering tables. 890 STOCK MAHOGANY player piano, good cond. $75. ting-room.

Tel. 6-2129. Hours 8-12 noon. Phone 2-1791 a11 day lawn rollers, seeders, electric Albany. fott AL James Ave.) 7-5051 Call 9-4989 after 5 p.

m. LARGE bright room for gentleman 10 Sunday after 5.30 p. m. weekdays. etr.

Don't forget every Friday nicht A-1 dug WELL cleaned. TILE Call high, Ludlow 34" 2573 wide. Wells MAPLE BED, complete. matt. box spring, min.

from town, Parking 3-7536 after 4. drills saws GAS spacious STATION garage lease, for equipment official for. stick- sale, auction 2-9856. night at 7 D. m.

411 St. James ATO. A REAL VALUE 2 tables, leather Tel. chairs. 3-4948 1 ice bet.

box, cots, radio, AIRY large, modern. Couple or 2 gents. or 628. er station, Good location, repairs, WHILE THEY LAST Sat. 9-1 p.

Fri. Good loc. 118 Thompson St. 4-8541. 2-1706.

Inquire Tel. BOUT DOLLS SEE US Guar. stain grade flush doora $13.50 each. ATTRACTIVE ROOM ALL STYLES FACTORY PRICES Kelly Fradet Lumber 657. MAHOGANT rotating television table.


neighorhood, small invest- HEADS. 198 NYLON WIGS, REPAIRS. Main E. Long. (at the end of White St.) Brand new.


6-4281. MOD. sofa, chairs, dinette, bedroom, etc. 2-8512 DAYTIME; 6-5672 EVENINGS. CALL 2-3700 DOLAN-GRADY.

EVES. 7-5806 ASH RUBRISH cans. New Dubo's materials. Poor lumber 1a no bargain bullding at L. coats, 14.

83 Dana. ATTRACTIVE ALWAYS use the best in lumber GAS STATION business equipment supplies Switzer Ave. 6-8016. any cost. For low prices on highest grades NEW PORCH gliders from $22.75 couple or business livingroom people.

bedroom for for sale. Tel. 6-9356 8 a. p. m.

A $30 UP TO $100-Old sewing: machine of Douglas Fir framing. N. 0. Pine they last. Max Okun Furniture while Reas.

Convenient to bus line. Forest 7-9136. Pk. 1933 GAS. STATION excel.

repair bus. Used car allowance. toward a new PFAFF or BERN- windows Canadian nt spruce all matched boards. doors Main St. Tel.

0-406, ATTRACTIVE, room garage. 57 lot. equip. low rent. Trade INA sewing machine, Robert.

H. Kenyon, kinda, clanboard NEW AND USED EASY St. Bowdoin for car or $1310. Terms. 2-8196 or 3-9656.

Tel. 2-8709. tion, other olear building oak materials flooring, for abingles your new all WASHERS FROM $19.95 CHICOPED SPIN-DRY FALLS, room to rent. AttranHERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY CLEARANCE PRICES home, see. the Union Lumber Supply L.

W. EASY DEALER tive modern facil. Good loc. Call Men k. clothing store operated over $30 to $100 savings Co.

be convinced. 15 Dale St. Tel. 3-8370. HOWARD, 883 Allen.

6-6308. 2241J. 75 vra. equipment by top same family, Merchandise G. E.

E. Flatplate automatic ironer. dishwasher. GRADE DOORS $7.97 up. 2 inch ONE BEDROOM-One liv.

rm. set--one ma- COOLIDGH rate. On corner location breakfast set. Odds Reas, ant atmosphere. HOTEL-28 MAIN ST.

PleasIn I. 0. Owner, has other interests. Only Chef, burner deluxe gas range. blanket Insulation $47 ner thousand ft.

Call Chicopee 162W after 5 p. Free parking NEWLY $8430. comb. elec. range.

Garage doors Everything for your m. from decorated. ALL OUTSIDE roome, AWAY EVERETT LEROY TROMPIY Realtors Koolerator 9.7 ft. deluxe refrigerator with hone at correspondingly low prices. OIL GAS White stove.

Solid maple the heart of the city noise, $9, $10, SPFLD. OFFICE 8-1228 Home 8076 8-2349 bullt in freezer. BENNETT LUMBER SUPPLY table. chairs, Both excel. cond.

Tel. $12. $14 wack. HOTEL'S and Inn's out of Spfid. full All can be seen in our 62 OSGOOD TEL.

4-1082 2-4744. CHOICE 'of 1 or 2 nice rooms, bath, to Liquor. Tel. 9-3868 L. T.

BOUQUET BRICKS BRICKS BRICKS PLASTIC COATED LEATHERS 36" to 64" quiet adults. T1 Walnut St. 6-2827. 2-3700 DOLAN-GRADY EVES. 7-5803 3069 Main Spud.


man. Phone 3-9795. MORTGAGES. CASII IN 24 HIRS. 7-2089.

fr' I rec.a THESE tub FOR 35 bare. VALUES Close 162 OSGOOD ST. TEL. 9-3066 33-47 DWIGHT ST. TEL.

7-2634 DOUBLE-BED $8 for 1 or 1 for $10. Men LARGE used car lot for lease, office Migna couples close: combination $74 (b) 1PRE neat COIL lots only, Price right. 20 RUGS-4 Specializing m. Oriental, Wilton, Axminster, only. 8-0580.

Lighting already available. Call Splid, $24.75. chrome plated combination Parker I. 0. Hoskin Ruga, in 929 Main wall-to-wall broadlooms ELLIOT (25) pleasant, sunny room.

Lee. 9-4181. 'auce: $6.95. (lex ble copper tub- CINDERS $1.75 per cu. yd.

Minimum Open Thursday evening til 9. 4-8086. closet, near bath, Tel. 2-6972. LUNCHEONETTE snack bar fully equiped.

ing Choice 24c. of ft. colors Wall 290 tile 4 ft. ft. sheets.

yds. Call 3-4644. 0.0.D.- Also 7-9610 loan or And 9-1410. trap rock. REFRIG.

in excel. very reas, Call FOREST PARK--Furn. room. Lovely locaLarge beach front, lockers, picnic tables, per sq. 6-8192.

tion. Parking. 2-0598. at popular lake. All year around.

243 Worthington St. Tel. ODDS CLEARANCE! to SPECIAL FRANKLIN ST. 21. One furn.

rm. with LOA SUPPLY CO. ness. supplies Entire equipment, complete food COOPER black for Incoming ENDS--we stock-closing have out the make follow- way $50 TRADE IN OF THE WEEK shower. $6 wk Gent only.

7-9006. other essentials, complete. Oash brass finish 13" English on any new sale. Tel. J.

F. Horne Spfid 3-4323. post lantern on 8 ft. poRt of Iron $19.75 Ing: screen: assorted 50c The sewing marhine. a for all makea.

HILI, SECTION--Nicely furn. rAl. Men Busy W. Apfid. Woodwork 145 Heywood Ave.

each: tomato poles, each; odd size sash NEWMAN SE VING MACHINE only. 107 Northampton Ave. ner. establiahed for years. down priced town? to spli.

cor- FREEZERS, refrigerators. At a saving. 20. each, 50c up; double hung windows, $3 up; 5.5 Taylor St. 9-0464 HOTEL CLINTON, 1976 MAIN ST.

2-370 aves 7-8906 Parker Indian Orchard. used sheet rock. 3e sq. good dry aquare vre. old.

Good care. $8 RUNNING WATER. BATH $12.75 WK. edge heating $65 per special while they Originally priced $50, now $20 for quick SPRINGFIELD'S FRIENDLIEST HOTEL SUMMER LOOK! RESORT. PRICE Reason IS for CUT this sals them GALVANIZED now, don't Gutter Walt and all until fittings.

rain spoils Get our are available good storm quality, windows building $4 each: materias A140 A wonderful extra bed. 9-0678. LG. RM. continuous hot water.

Bus. line. sickness in the family. Over 1200 ft. heach, your paint.

Springefld Lumber plumbing. SEWING MACHINES rented $3 per montt Chic. Falls 2119-J after 5 p. m. lockers.

and year-round variety store. Ice Page Tel. 3-3168. BAY STATE WRECKING CO. 2d month, $3.

Spfld. Sewing Machine Co, MAPLE State. Lge. rm. Running cream bar.

luncheonette, booths and win- HAY baby carriage OPEN. SAT. FREE DELIVERY 86 Morgan West Spfld. (Temporary water. 1 or 2 working people.

6-5011 or dow service, Don't mias. Ben WA for maroon tan, like new. $18." Orginally 17 West Spfld. Tel. 7-5674 location).

Tel. 7-5031. 3-6018. ticulars. A.

R. PALOZYNSKI AGENCY $40 also collapsible high chair, bathinette. CONN. VALLEY BLOCK W. SPFLD.

SINGER, White other makes, New NICE ROOM FOR RENT 33 Elm Tel. 355 1013. haskinette, like new $20 complete. Chic. TESTED CINDER 4-6533 BUILDING BLOCKS used tables.

sewing machines. Cabineta por- AT 180 UNION ST. NEIGHBORHOOD TAL. Very reas. Spfld.

Sewing Ma- NEWLY redecorated rm. Reas. Mrs. Box 235 STORE. Union Small Oice.

investment. KELSEY HAND print, press, trays type DOORS- Grade A-1 two panel. Inside $9.50 ti8 Morgan West Spild. Nicholson, 35 Howard St. 8-0393.

ONE of Springfleld's largest etc. $25, radio $7. coal not water beater Outside $11.50. Wholesale, 9 Broad St. 7-5031.

4 PLEASANT room for rent. On bus lines (Temp. loc.) Tel. stores for BAle. Strictly cash.

No package $18. 8' oil burner $10. Tel. 7-8190. FRAMING lumber, native and western TELEVISION BARGAIN Call after 6 p.

m. 4-8581. lern. No brokers, Box 102, Union Of- boards, oak flooring. clapboard Bailey- Wagner Inc.

PREVIOUS MODEL. $99 PLEASANT Ige. closet. Priv, homa. trif- 10-IN.

lice, LIMITED NUMBER CARRIER USED and10" and cedar shingle 16" and TABLE, 282 Worthington Good bus service. Chase Ave. 9-6302. PACKAGE STORE, local, good windows. kiln dried hardwoods.

John top gas range, broiler, and drawtriflers. NOW. CALL, 3-0102. A Wick. Maas.

Tel. 'College Westfield Highway, 544 or Stock- ers. -circulating tan and oil buff. Like new, Pot type wk. Empire Hotel.

Tel. 3-3624. location. No AIR CONDITIONING UNITS. GOOD AS Galanek, South- RMS.

WITH running water; $7 and up per 249700 DOLAN-GRADY EVES. 7-5806 "bridga 137. R. m. to 6 p.

m. trim. heats 15 rms. heat, Antique Florence, all black chrome slate ROOM with bath for refined PARTNER--Active partner wanted. Dry NATIVE LUMBER framing boards.

rink. in thick, excel. rond. No marks Forest Pk, sec. Call 9-5094.

cleaning business, rotall wholesale, mud- PIANO violin for male, Also lace curtains planed matched. Also hardwood. Will Must sell. 87 Boulevard St. West Apfld.

RM. WITH ALL share entire figures available. A metal bed. All in good cond. Call 4-6801 cut 1.0 dimension.

Skid on pallet stock. Tel. 6-8853 btw P. M. Ant.

'with elderly lady! Tel. 4-2032. DOLAN- GRADY After 6. Wisnowski, Chic. 1319M.

132 TWIN WALNUT REDA. 0 ROOM for couple. Heat, hot water, kit. RESTAURANT on Main good business: SEWING machine. 1951 model elec.

PrANAKI ATA. After TEL. 7-8602. priv. 411 Union St.

Tel. 2-4233. fully equipped. $1000. Owner going 1n Round hohhin, foreward reverse stitch.

WELL and drain tile, Tel, Palmer TELEVISION set. screen ROOMS FOR RENT. Hot running water. 171 another business. After 1 11.

1-0008 Value 1254, will. sacrifice. 0-3515. 4-1141 complete with booster. $09.

Tel. 1-0047. Chestnut St. CLASSIFIED THE SPRINGFIELD? UNION, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1951 CLASSIFIED 9 27 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT FINANCIAL Male Help Salary Male Help -Salary 1, 31 Male Help--Salary Male MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN CARPENTERS Apply Associated MEN (8) as helpers in washing dept. APPLIANCE Help--Salesmen Business Opportunities Articles For Sale: Building Materials 54 Household Goods 51 Construction Co.

Now Terminal Bide. not nec. Steady work. Good Walls Exp. Experience MAJOR SALESMAN DIY.

ROOMING house business. Light housekeep3-4 XRS. EXPERIENCE, STEADY EMPLOY pref. Apply Home Appliance Ing rms. Central location.

Box 432 Union modern types. Uned. See these now. READY MIX Overhead gar. dre.

TELEVISION AT WHOLESALE discounts GUNS Bradley Fleld. Windsor Locke. Conn. Laundry 61 Franklin St. ALBERT STEIGER CO.

office, Rahlin, 7 Fly Rd, Monson; Eves. Banas Ludlow. Sand Gravel Fuller Famous makes, United Luggage PA. 3 L' PROGRESSIVE COMPANY. WICO ELECTRIC WEST 8PFLD.

AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN Must be A-1 man. good salary and commission. Dan's Motor Sales. 413 Main St. West Sptid.


TEL. 3-1132 ASSISTANT FOREMAN, young man with some sewing machine experience wanted to assist foreman. Steady employment. excellent opportunity, Apply after p. m.

D. Freed Sons, A Inc. 300 fain Spfld. ALL AROUND carpentere, 1 insides finisher. 1 laborer.

Phone 3-1619 between 6-7 p. 11. MECHANICS LICENSED MQUIVALENT EXPERIENCE $500 per month plus living expenses for temporary assignments (3-3 mos.) in Midd14 East. Mediterranean ares. Permanent position At Bradley Field upon return.

AIRCRAFT IN SHEET A METAL MECHANICS ALSO AIRCRAFT ELECTRICIANS INSPECTORS These are permanent positions with an airline overhaul agency doing commercial work. Good hourly rates will ba paid on the basis of experience and training. Men are needed who can work with minimum of supervision. EMPLOYEES RECEIVI OVERTIME PAY REST PERIODS PAID SICK LEAVE PAID VACATION GROUP INSURANCE PLAN PAID HOLIDAYS AUTOMATIC INCREASES Lodgings are furnished to male employees at no expense until they can find manent rents. APPLY TO COTTER OF TALOA BRADLEY FIELD WINDSOR LOCKS, CONN.

Mon. thru Sat. 1. P. Mon.

Tues. P. m. He ARE YOU disatisfied with your present job salary like saleswork on estab. route? See salesmanager at Central Coat, Apron.

Towel Supply. 61 Franklin ATTENTION MEN 25-40. WI bare openour 2d shift, 3-11 p. m. for plaster No exp.

nec. We will train you. Spfid. Pattern Works, Inc. 124 Switzer Spild.

9-3788. AMBITIOUS young man to train for service work. Apply in person. Little Frank Auto Stores. 140 Stata St.

AN IMMEDIATE opening for an elderly man to clean up shop do errands. wk. Must have driver's license. Apply Atlas Auto Body, 590 Main St. A RELIABLE.

young man for whol. del. Chance for advancement. 198 Franklin St. AUTO MECHANIC on Kaiser Frazar cars.



SPFLD. ATTENTION MEN OVER 18 Established part time A full time ice Cream mission route open. Sate driver paid. guarantee and bonue. All expenses 1156 JACK AND JILL ICE CREAM STATE ST.

TEL. 6-2235 at ALERT least young man. High school grad. with Must have yrs. business school training.

eral office 2-3 yrs. business exper. in gencall credit routine procedure. Please 9-4731. dept.

btw. a. p. m. Tel A.


ACCOUNTANT Able thoroughly exp. Good salary. to assume responsibility. Good GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 3-2149 tional APPLICATIONS organization now being accepted by Daand shopping for office, warehouse, nent room employees. Permadays positions, 40 hour week, pald holipitalization and vacations.

good Insurance. hosfully and retirement plans. Write Box 211, Union Office. 30-40 ONCE. years young production supervisor.

Jence in production old with 5-10 years exper and experience in precision manufactur- planninz. scheduling, ing Capable of metal goods. Bring resume. least 10 administrator. trouble shooter, ufacturing.

years experience in precision Thant Bring resume. Buyers, B. M. mechnical engineers. draftsmen, Janitor, downtown.

95 VALLEY STATE ST. PLACEMENT SERVICE 9-1 9-1362 anteed WANTED, steady work. GuarBARBER salary. 1 day off. 821 State St.

BOY of school age for board country home in room in. ties. Box exchange for light dua Union Office. right man. Hotel work.

Good opportunity for BARBER--Steady Highland Barber shop, Liberty CLEANER--Full time. Day work. BAKERY BOYS Bakeries, 799 Liberty St. managers as uahers, office, Must be 16 or over. 11 a.

Paramount Theatre after Apply day yr. truck round driver, deliveries only, 5 REVERAGE vacations, group work, paid holiday erencen willing to work. Canada good refinsurance, Bottling 1073 Dwight St. Dry BARBER, steady Job. $45 commission ion weekly.

Office. Good opportunity. Box 175, UnCOOK. Hospital, for 1400 hospital State kitchen, Spfld. Municipal St.

9-2536. nights GRILT. man. Part COUNTER D. m.

Hanco*ck time, acy Cor. Stale Hanco*ck St. COOKS Holidays. KITCHEN Day work. man.

No Sundays or 182 Apply The Rink, Worthington St. COOK wanted. Call in person. 2881 Main bafore 11 a. m.

CARPENTER'S halpers wanted. Steady wages. Call eves. 3-1930 COOK GRILI. man, Rome Diner, 14 Oabot Holyoke, millar CHAUFFEUR to drive light truck.

One fawith plumbing material. J. J. Cotter 371 Taylor St. 000K wanted.

Apply to Chet Hotel Kimball 140 Chestnut St. DRIVER WANTED (reliable) for 800d dry cleaning route, good pay. Call 7-4338. 3 A for modarn metal stamping plant. Excellent wages warking sond.

Apply International Stamping Rd. DRAFTSMAN exp. Mig. Co. Good Opp, GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 3-2149 DRIVER salesinan retall milk route.

Married man preferred with experience in selling collecting. Good pay and Ing conditions. Box 181 Union Office: DON'T PUT OFF. CALL 9-2433 TODAY. DAY SHIFT.

45-hr. weak. No perience necessary. Apply Mr. La.

Blor, 109 Mill St. DOUBLE-SCORING machine operators. First second shift, United Paper Box Water St. (toot of Cabot St.) Holyoke. EXPERIENCED short -order cook counter-man.

HIs. 5 p. d. m. Starlicht Inn, $67 Baton Rd.

Call after 8. 4-9831. EXPERIENCED grill man. Apply in person, evenings. 183 Bridge St.

To ELEVATOR operator. Hotel. Steady job. Liberty St. EXTRACTOR wanted.

No exp. nec. 50. hrs. guaranteed.

Apply Now England Laun tries Stu. State St. EXPERIENCED couuter man. Apply in persoli, evenings Bridge St. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for young man Interested in learning the offset printing from the button up.

Must ba mechanically inclined. Box Union Office. EXP. ROOFER to apply strip shingles, call 6-4754. Lombardi Routing Co.

EXPERIENCED short order. cook. day wk. Tel 3-4331, after 6. EXPERIENCED wholesale coletric appliance mau to manage inside distributor's operations.

Submit age, residence, detailed experience. Box 141 Union Office. EXP. TREE MEN. Tel.

Roderlek MacLeod, Williamsburg 211 or write P. 0. Box 261, Northampton. EXPERIENCED truck driver wanted for furniture store. Essex 1984 Main St.

EXPERIENCED rough presser. steady work. Good pay. Apply In person. American cleaners dyers Inc.

433 Eastern Ave. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS PHYSICISTS SPECIALISTS ELECTRONICS MECHANICAL ENGINEERS WANTED NOWI For MICROWAVE-FILTERS NETWORKS-TEST SETS PARTS MANUFACTURE Develop methods of manufacture, assembly and wiring for radio relay and carrier communications equipment and test facilities Experienced in amplifiers, modulators, filters and cavities. knowl-: edge of transmission theory. Mechanical Engineer for production and assembly of precision parts, also make floor layouts. Familiar with machines and tools fabricating small parta for electrical apparatus.



UNIT 104 OF THE ROLL SYSTEM Central Ate. Just South of Sky way Kearny. N. J. pay, steady position.

furniture salesman. Top EXPERIENCED ture 1935 Main Max Okun FurniSt. FOUNTAIN McLellan's Stores Luncheonette manager wanted. 5 10c storea is willing to large train chain of Co. A become fountain luncheonette you to good salary while training, manager, if transferred, salary bonus expenses when paid become qualified as a manager, Vacation, you life ins.

qualify policy, no Sun. or you as follows: 25-45 yrs. holidays. of It high school worked as age, fountain manager. or are grad.

cook ct submit complete inform. in let letter dietician, apply in person to McLellan's Stores or 1435 Main. FULL TIME opening in Steady employment. our Good pay. recapping Plenty dept.

nf St. overtime. Victoria Tire 10 Dwight FLOOR covering salesman. necessary. Apply Personnel dept.

Forbes Experience Wallace. restaurant trade SALESMAN--tor institution and GROCERY cover for outside company to Office. Hampden County. Box 173 Union Wanted GRAVURE ENGRAVER small plant. to take charze of department in man with Good opportunity salary for GAS experience.

Box 10F8 Union Office days, station Belmont attendant part time and SunTel. 4-9735. Atlantic 431 Belmont Ave. GAS Hanco*ck STATION State. attendant wanted 2-10.

Cor. Jensens' HANDYMAN for basem*nt work. 5 da. wk. 266 Bridge St.

HERE Call IT 9-2433. IS! A better job with better pay. fellow JOHNSON'S who enjoys Bookstore wants an alert young joy selling office supplies. 5 and day would wk. people manent position.

Apply on the balcony. PerJANITOR nished. wanted. Salary Box 241. Union Office.

apartment LaDue LABORER 7-2791. wanted. Able to work. Harvey work. Rear truck drivers for iron LICENSED 229 Taylor St.

MEN No. TO West HOE wanted. Charles W. Feeling Hills. Brown.

MAN truck, over 20. capable of driving shop. Also Union to help around wood working lumber Office Box 138. all start with a new co. 1 or MACHINISTS mach.

around 'man are an exp. milling new needed a. kay men in Main plant. Carroll Mig. 270 Agawam.

avail. MARRIED Call man wanted for dairy farm. Apt. 2-1470. MEN can to work in transformer dept.

AmeriSecond Electric Service and Maintenance Co, 8t. Spfid. MAN for retail experienced as milk route supervisor Worthington routes. Apply Skipton Dairy Co. St.

established for excel, sales position with longMAN $7500. Excel. Co. future. Average sales first year Northampton 4006.

Call Mrs. Yates, MALE house APPLICATIONS accepted for Warebasis, Man in Springfield on full tirne Also Mechanic to work on highapeed. wrapping machines. Some mechanical or maintenance experience necessary. MANY BENEFITS Paid Holidays Five Day Week Gond Starting Wage Sick Benefits Pension Plan Hospitalization Group Insurance Vacation with Pay Apply Monday thru Friday 29 Worthington Personnel 8t.

Dept. Springfield 43. MEN! have a well natablished Watkina routa available in Agawam Feeding Hills. Also one in Aldenville. Apply 172 Eastern Ave.

from 2 to 6 p. m. MEN wanted for work in bakery, Apply Bond Bread Bakers, Bond St. MAN Wanted for stock room. 8e.

Dave, Rainbow Girl Coal 48 Hampden St. MAN FOR KITCHEN WORK. In summer camp. Call Becket 2441. MEAT CUTTER wanted.

Union Mkt. Sanford 8t MEN wanted as truck driver helpers pouttry packers, Part time. Hours 7 m. 12 noon. Apply in person.

F. J. Telazo, 1646 Weat Spfld. OUTSILE man on accounta rereivable. Must.

have car. Salary car allowance. Permanent position. Paid nations, health benefits. Reply 19 detail Union office.

NIGHT JANITOR WATCHMAN Steady Work for Reliable Man Apply POWERS PAPER CO, 149 Warn ORDERLY: For Hosp. care of male patienta. Apfid. Municipal 1400. State St.

Tel, 9-2536. Oil Burner Mechanics F. I. ROBERTS 00. 429 Albany Tel.

8-1132 PAINTER wauted, exp. None others need apply. Tel. 7-2904. PAPER HANGERS painters.

Exp. only. Strady work. 7-4808. PAINTERS wanted, must be experienced.

AXes for good workmen. The Phone 8-9417. PART TIME--Collecting Small Good vaylur monthly account: in Springtield Sentiai $100-per Write Mr. Lawton Crowell -Collier Reader Main -Give Phone No. PHOTOGRAPHER part-time mornings or afternoons.

Exp. in home alttings. Car nec. Excel steady income. Pioneer Studios, 172 Chestnut St.

Phone 2-2300. PLUMBING heating supply firm couuter man de stock clerk. Should be able to handle heavy materials. Steady for job. good pay.

highly desirable occupation. man willing to work, Valley Plumbing Supply. Co. 41 Market St. ROUTE salaman for wholesale milk -route in Mass.

Conn. Steady work good working conditions. Apply Skipton Dairy Co. 155 Worthington St. STEAM FITTER for large heating concorn Permanent position.

Excel. working cond. Apply Union Office Box 240, Good SALESMAN, working experienced for used car dept. conditions. Salary and commission.

Box 143 Union Office. SEWING MACHINE Sales Service man. We will train, Car essential. Apply personnel dept. Forbes Wallace.

SALES correspondent. Ago 24-32 yrs. Previous exp. helpful but man with correspondence or merchandixing background. Call Mr.

Lundy, Diamond Match 9-4731. SOCIAL Service organization wiatre part Car time staff member for Hampden County. required, Personality sales ability Important. Write to Box 497 Union Of. fice.

STEWARD wanted, Opportunity for right man in position of responsibility. All year -round job, Room board. Salary comm. Call Holyoke 7261. TRUCK driver for ton panel, 15 cents An hr.

Apply Allen Greenhouse, 1592 Allen St, TREE MEN WANTED you are good tree surgoon and want steady Job. local work, home every night, salary rain or shine, paid holidays. steady winter work, it will pay you to write your qualifications to Rox 257. Union Office. If you not A good tree aurgeon DO NOT APPLY.

TOOLMAKERS wanted. Turcotte Mfg. Co. 34 Hampden St. Tel.

6-0870. TOUR BOSS with experience on cylinder machine producing various boards. Hotary shifts, steady employment. Mill in Mass, In reply give foil details including salary re. Union Office Box 1081.00 UPHOLSTERER acquainted with built furniture.

Steady work, year round. Holyoke 2-4028. WANTED 3 A-1 MECHANIC Must be emperienced on Chrysler products. 3 Apply In Person to R. F.


WANTED 4 ambitious men under 40 to. sist while learning trade with big future. Good pay while training. Apply 1117 Columbus Ave. 4-6 p.

m. or call for app't. Mr. Johnson. WANTED Chevrolet mechanic, good hours, good pay, vacation, Insurance avail.

Houghtons Motor Sales. Inc. 195 South Westfield Feeding Hills, Call 3-5352. WILL YOU ramble few minutes for secure future? Call 9-2433 for app't. WANTED Ist Class O.

D. I. D. grinderhand. Howell Machining Grinding 14 Napier St.

WANTED A-1 Painter. Will pay top wages Auto Body Fender Works 24 Mason St. Tel. 3-1790. WOOL PRESSER wanted exper.

not sary. Will train. Apply New England Laundry. 870 State St. WANTED--night Watchman, middle aged man preferred.

Must be reliable. Gordon I Inc. Hazardville, Conn. Tel. ville 4298.

WANT experienced toolmakers, gauge may. era, grinders, lathe bands ji*z borer oporators. Day work. 32 hr. week.

Call at Precis.on Tool Mfg. corner Cherry Mechanic Westfield. WANTED. Young man, stock clerk. Apply Joseph P.

Manning 117 Lyman St. WANTED -Estimator for general construetion work. State on application salary expected. Apply Holyoke, .0. Box 628.

YOUNG MAN to assist Mogr. locallyTransportation furnished. Good future for right man. Apply mornings 9.30 Hitchco*ck Bids. 1562 Maia See Mr.

Johnson. YOUNG MAN to sort linens. eIDerience not necessary. Steady work. good pay.

Central Linen Service, 61 Franklin 8t. 1: YOUNG MAN Exp. in measuring banging draperies. Apply personnel dept. Forbes Wallace.

YOUNG men 17-23 to Assist in special in'troductory circulation work. we can use to 30 men, must he neat and free to. travel Hollywood and return. Average earnings for our experienced people $15 per week plus bonuses, with your traveling expense paid. Permanent position if you are satisfied and satisfactory after three daya' training hare.

We have organized here for over 30 Apply daily betwean 9-12 8. m. 3-8 p. m.

Mr. Moore, Clinton Hotel. YOUNG MEN 18-25 tree to travel U. S. A.

representing known sales concern. Averaga wkly, No exp. nec. Trans. turn.

See Mr. Brady. Clinton Hotel 10-12 A. m. 2-4 p.

m. No phone calla. YOU MAY BE the man were looking for! Cal 9-2433 today! YOU'VE SEEN this no. before, why not call it now. 9-2433.

YOUNG MAN for drapery Installation, part Or tull time. Tel. 4-4263 or 20 PAINTERS Apply H. L. Co.

(Union Shop.) of Market St. 10 LABORERS for road construction work. Also 1 experienced grade foreman for road Call 4-4233. A 2 MEN WANTED 14 PAR MIGHT-SALARI DUE TO EXPANSION PROGRAM WE NEED 2. ADDITIONAL MEN IN OUR SALES DEPARTMENT FOR A TERRIFIC NEW ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN.


Laurel Chic. Falls. 2 MEN to assist manager in outside order locally. Seed Edw. Lajole.

way Hotel 9-10 A m. Male Help--Salesmen A ADVERTISING Salesman' with car. Unmarried and to travel established N. E. territory Sell and collect 20 ada at $38.25 each on our Standard, Hotel Directory now: in hant: hotels.

EARN $250 IN EACH TOWN DO A TOWN A WEEK Write Union Box For Appointment Friday EXPERIENCED salesman wanted for used: car dept. Good working conditione. Salary commission. Apply Sales Service, 510 Memorial W. 3.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.